Lovebit Original-Chapter 01

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Lovebit Original-Chapter 01


"Jee will join your artist management company as a talent. We discussed it this morning and you agreed, remember?" 

Dad looks at me with a combination of "what-are-you-talking-about" and "I-did-tell-you-son" expressions. I knew I have to be careful with my answer. Think. I told myself. What did dad said to me again? Especially about Jee joining my artist management company? 


"This was the boy I was telling you about. His picture. He is a good looking boy," 

"Right, cute," 

"Son, are you listening me? You're on your phone still," 

"Dad, I'm listening. Go on," 

"So, as I was saying, you said your artist management company is looking for new talents right? I know he will be a good fit," 

"Umm hmm," 

"He is pretty talented from what I heard from his dad. He learned dancing and singing. I heard his online presence in all those social media's pretty high too. He works with brands once in a while but his dad wants him to work with a proper management company, to keep him safe and all," 

"Right dad. As he should,"

"Exactly. That's why I am asking you a favor to sign this boy on as your talent,"

"Sure dad, yeah, okay," 

"Great to hear that son. His dad wouldn't need to worry too much then if he is under your care. Plus it's not like you guys don't know each other. It's only been a while," 

"Okay dad. Anything you say dad," 

"Good to hear that. I'm kind of proud that you're actually so open to talk about this. I thought you will be giving me a thousand reasons instead. Anyway, stop messing with your phone, we have to go out now. Morning traffic in New York can get pretty bad,"

"Okay dad, coming right up,"

-End Of Flashback-

My conversation with dad came flooding back into my memories. Okay. Part of the misunderstanding is definitely my fault. Chatting with a very naughty and cheeky date can be, very distracting while talking to my dad. 

So all eyes are on me. Jee's looking pretty enthusiastic of what I will say next. One thing for sure, if I say anything wrong now, this trip will turn into a fighting match for me and dad and all I want is peace and quiet. 

But signing this nobody to my agency?

The amount of work to groom and grow him as a talent? 

I don't even know this guy! 

"Yes, of course. Dad told me about you joining my company. It's a small company though. If you don't mind it small, I'm most happy to welcome you," I said against my true will. Too late to unback everything dad said now. 

"Yes please! I would love to join your company and learn lots! Please take care of me na khrub!" Jee does a quick wai and smiles widely to his dad. Uncle Tom shakes my hand. "Thank you King, for giving my son a chance. Please feel free to guide him anyway you see fit okay? I trust you in managing him. Hopefully he can learn and grow to be a better person," 

I flash my best polite grin while giving my dad looks. At least dad looks proud of me. 

Great. Now everything is too late. 

Out of the blue, I have a "new talent", someone whom I know nothing about. 

"P'KIng na khrub, what should I do now? You know like, paperwork and everything? I am so ready to start," Oh shit. The actual enrolment process. I smile again.

"Don't worry too much about it first. I'll talk to my assistant back in Bangkok to prepare the necessary documents and contracts. It'll take sometime since my assistant's on a break but since you're based in New York, I guess I will have to do a bit more research to see how I can promote and grow you as a talent in New York. I'm open to listen to suggestions so feel free to tell me what are your ideas too,"

Thank goodness that this new talent of mine will be based in New York. Coincidentally I want to increase my business connections in the west so probably this is a good way to start building my audience here. Anyway, I keep reminding myself that I'm doing this as a favor to dad. 

"P'King khrub?" 

"Yes?" Jee is giving me a puzzled look as if he doesn't understand something. 

"P'King khrub, I will be based in Bangkok khrub, not New York," 


I look at my dad again who is giving me the knowing smile. What does Jee means he will be based in Bangkok? From our introduction until now, all I learned of this boy is, born and bred overseas, rich and pampered, multi-talented but totally sheltered from the real world. Staying in the Big Apple is definitely the smarter choice. What's with Bangkok? 

"King, Jee is interested to go back to Thailand to build his career. Even though he was born and bred overseas, going home to the motherland is a good thing for him too, right Jee?" Uncle Tom smiles and looks at his sons. 

"Yes daddy. I don't mind going to Bangkok and try. I'm sure it will be easier than in New York. After I achieve the level of stardom I want, I can always come back to do it in New York. I just don't want you to use your entertainment contacts in New York just yet," Jee says. 

Based on what he said, he probably meant he is okay with his dad using his entertainment contacts in Bangkok but not in New York. I am pissed. I just don't fancy speech tones like this but do I say anything? Nope. It's only strike one and I haven't even told him about my limits. Maybe I shouldn't judge too early. 

"I'm sure with your caliber, you will do well in Bangkok too," I said and meant it to be sarcastic. 

Jee's face beams up, "You really think so? Thank you P'King! I'm so happy to hear that from you!" 

"Great. I guess Jee will be in good hands. Please take care of him na King and you too, for doing this for my son," Uncle Tom looks at me and then my dad who looks a little embarrassed. 

"I know you for so long. This is the least I can do. I can't wait for Jee to stay with us too. Don't worry about Jee, Tom, we'll take care of him for you," 

Dad? I look at him once more. 

What does he mean by Jee, staying with us? Huh? 

"When are you arriving to Bangkok Jee?" dad asks the now overtly smiley boy. He looks very eager. "Uncle, I was thinking maybe I can travel back with you and family when you are all done with the trip. Will that be okay?" 


"Sure, what do you think King?" I look at dad, gives him my what-do-you-mean-by-that smile. 

"What do I think, dad?" I asked him back, trying to dig a bit more information. 

"Well of course what you think King, Nong Jee will be staying with you once he arrives," dad says calmly. 




Yukichi's Note: This plot is actually based off a CEO friend who has to take care of a father's friend on behalf. I need to ask the friend what happens next before I can even continue. Half of this story will be fiction and half real. 

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