Love Baby 29-Another Peaceful Evening (PrapaiSky)

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Another Peaceful Evening

I wrote this STILL listening to this playlist on youtube:
[ᴘʟᴀʏʟɪsᴛ] รวมเพลงYented,Mirrr,Three man down,Tilly birds,Purpeech


Sky knew how hard Prapai works. Sometimes even he was amazed how this man can fit so many things in a day and in the end still manage to come home on time for dinner. Not that Sky is complaining. Dating a rich man has its downside sometimes. It means Sky has to share this man with not only his family but also the man's business especially one where thousands of employees' lifelihood depends on his decision making. 

To Sky, meeting Prapai and accepting that Prapai is his soulmate is something that Sky never thought will happen to him. He sometimes doesn't understand how come it was him being blessed to meet such a good and loyal man called Prapai. But this part, he has come to terms with long time ago. It doesn't matter if Sky still felt the imposter syndrome sometimes but he made up his mind to spend the rest of his life cherishing the presence of this man in his life. 

And he did that his own way. The dynamics of their relationship wasn't explicitly discussed but it came naturally when they found out they are expecting. Sky, he still wants a career since he did put in the work at the university for it but he was also willing to put that career plans on hold the moment he heard his little baby's heartbeats for the first time. One thing both he and Prapai agreed on was, family will always come first. Probably that was why they lasted as long as they did. 

Gradually Sky spend his time around their home, preparing for the arrival of their baby, a little princess. Sky did his best to learn all about parenting. One thing Sky wouldn't allow himself to do was, to fail. Okay, there is no such thing as no failures but Sky's way of doing things was to reduce risks of failure, wherever possible. That was how he got his scholarships, his top grades and just how he organized his life.

Sky finished pouring soup into a bowl ready on a tray. Cooking is an aspect he aims to get better at. Afterall, as the maternal parent, he wants to cultivate the habit of his family eating home cook meals. Home cooked meals are always warm. Sky wants to feel that for a very long time. 

He carried the tray to the study room just a flight of stairs up. It was a rare occasion where Prapai came home and still has work to do. And it was long work since he missed his dinner. Sky didn't want to bother Prapai when he was working especially but as a spouse, he can't help but worried when his own husband isn't eating meals properly. 

Sky knocked gently on the door which was slightly open. Prapai was still intensely reading some files. Must be a busy season for Prapai. His desk was full of documents piled up. Sky pushed the door a little. Since the door creaked, the noise got Prapai's attention. Prapai immediately smiled and stood up, documents pretty much flung aside. 

"Sorry to disturb you P'Pai but I got you some soup just in case. Would you like to take a break?" Prapai continued smiling and let Sky put down the tray on the empty spot of his table before hugging him tightly. 

"SKY!!!!" there it started, a whiny P'Pai. Sky knew it's time for some comforting. This is Prapai being tired and just need some attention. 

"Busy day?" 

"Khrub. I ran away like 10 seconds later and my staff caught me with me a problem and now I have to fix it! I just want to have dinner with you! Sorry I missed dinner," Prapai apologized. To him dinner was definitely more important than a 10 million baht deal. 

Sky broke the hug and cupped Prapai's face and pecked him on the lips. "It's only one dinner you missed. You eat with me almost everyday." 

"I want to eat with Sky every day without fail! Urgh!" Prapai whined and then took the bowl of soup and drank it without cooling it down. Immediately he burned his tongue and yelped. 

Sky chuckled at Prapai's silly behaviour as he fans himself and begged Sky for attention.

Yeah, moments like these definitely counts as a something to be grateful for. 


Yukichi's Note: I think it's my grandaunt's fault. She doesn't like me drinking cold stuff since young and likes to cook soup so now I enjoy burning myself drinking soup too. 

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