Lovebit 41-The Meeting (Hypothetical)

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


The Meeting (Hypothetical)


Rain: Nice to meet you, khun por, khun mae, my name is Rain. Thank you for inviting me to your home. 

Mom: Aww, you're so sweet. Welcome dear. You make yourself right at home ok? I have food for you ready, you can eat any time. If you need more food, you let me know, I'll cook more even though I think I cook enough for a small village but you know, more food, the better. If there is anything you want to eat, you have to let me know, I'll make it for you and if there's anything you don't like, you just tell me ok, don't force yourself to chow them down, I'm alright with it. I'm not one of those parents to force their kids to eat food they don't like so, yeah, tell me, okay?

Rain: Thank you khun mae but it is alright. I look forward to eat anything you cook since P'Payu told me you're an amazing cook. I'll eat everything up. 

Mom: Awww, you're such a sweetie. Now now Payu, you don't go around bragging about my cooking ok, not everyone likes countryside style cooking. 

Payu: Mom, good food is good food and you're a good cook so you should be appreciated as one, right dad? 

Dad: Absolutely. So Rain, do you like hedgehogs? 

Rain: in the animal? Umm...maybe? I haven't seen or touched any real ones before. 

Dad: Good, I have a little animal farm full of hedgehogs, I can show you after we eat. 

Rain: Sure, sure khun por. I would love to. 

Payu: Dad, he is not adopting a hedgehog as a pet after you show them. 

Dad: Ou, I haven't even ask. 

Payu: Rain's busy with school work and me, he wouldn't have time to care for a pet. 

Dad: Oh, someone is jealous of a pet now are we? 

Mom: Yeah, he definitely takes after you. 

Dad: Fine. I'll just show the hedgehogs. So Rain, why don't you take some rest and when dinner's ready, we'll call for you? 

Rain: Yes please. I would love to. 

Payu: Then, let me take you to the guest room. Mom, you cleaned it up already right? 

Mom: Yes I did but-

Dad: If Rain wants to stay in Payu's room, we're fine about it too. Just keep the volume down after 9pm. People in the country side sleep early. 

Mom: Honey! 

Dad: What, it's true, remember the last time our voices were loud and-

Payu: Dad, we get it, no noise after 9pm. Then Rain, come on, I'll show you my room. 

Rain: Thank you khrub. I'll see you later for dinner. 

Dad: See, I told you he'll be staying in son number one's room. 

Mom: You were the one who offered him to stay in son number one's room. 

Dad: Well, Rain looks like a nice boy so I'm sure they will behave tonight. 

Mom: What do you think is the percentage of them behaving tonight? 

Dad: Umm...really low? 

Mom: It's ok, I give up. I have to go cook now. Are you coming or not? 

Dad: I'll join you after I feed my hedgehogs. 


Sky: Nice to meet you, khun por, khun mae, I'm Sky. It's an honor to meet the both of you this evening. Thank you for inviting me for dinner. 

Mom: HI SKY! Oh my goodness, you are so cute! Urgh, dad, look at Sky. How cute and sweet he is!? I'm mom and he is dad of course. We are so happy to be meeting you, finally! 

Prapai: Mom, chill. 

Mom: How can I chill when my son number one brings home his special one to meet his parents! I can't wait to meet my future son-in-law and I have a feeling I will meet my future grandbabies really too! 

Dad: Babe, maybe you want to tone that down a little? I'm so sorry Sky, mom can be a little bit over excited at times. 

Sky: It's ok, I understand. I was looking forward to meet you both too. I'm really happy that khun mae feels the same too. 

Mom: Feel the same?! I have been feeling the same ever since my baby dated you. You're the one who totally grounded my wild son and I have to thank you! Right honey? 

Dad: In a way yes. 

Prapai: Mom! 

Mom: What, you were messing around with people and how many times I told you until my mouth started foaming, to find someone proper and nice to settle down and you never listened? Sky, I have to thank you, as his mom that you keep his feet firmly on the ground. If he ever bullies you or make you upset, you come straight to me ok? I'll whoop his ass for you. 

Prapai: Mom, you'll never get to whoop my ass because I'll never bully or make my Sky upset, ever. 

Dad: That's my son. True to his word. 

Mom: Well you better. If I ever see you make Sky cry, I'll make you sorry you're ever born. Hear that Sky? Come to me. And I need your help to keep Prapai's behavior proper too, especially at work. Want to add dad? 

Dad: Oh yes, I do. I take priority for work and study very seriously. If he ever disturbs you while you are busy with work or study, let me know. I can dock his pay. If you find out that he is skipping work unreasonably, you can also come to me alright, Sky? 

Sky: Khrub. I understand. I'll make sure P'Pai does his due diligence when it comes to his work. 

Mom: Awww, you're such an angel! You have to stay over tonight.

Sky: Umm...Khun mae, it's alright, I can go home after I finish dinner. I don't want disturb P'Pai's time with you both. 

Mom: Oh no, no, no, not disturbing at all. You can definitely stay the night. The more times you stay the faster I can have little pooping machines around the house. 

Prapai: Mom! 

Sky: Little...pooping machines...? 

Dad: Sky, it's okay, don't mind him. Babe, slow on the little pooping machine! You're giving Sky the wrong impression here. 

Mom: Urgh! Sorry Sky, my bad, don't mind me. So you're staying the night ok? Oh, feel free to stay in Prapai's room. Everything is ready. Just so you know, we are really open parents. We embrace the freedom to love so love all you want! Mom and dad definitely loving it how we want, all the time. 

Prapai: Mom! 

Mom: Okay, okay, anyway, let's have dinner! I got the best thing ever. Instant noodle buffet! How's that!? Anyway, Sky dearie, let's go to the dining room ok? Prapai dear, would you bring Sky to bathroom to wash your hands or freshen up maybe? 

Prapai: Definitely mom, let's go Sky. 

Mom: Awww, just see my baby go with his baby. Aren't they the most adorable pair ever!? 

Dad: Yup they are. I thought Sky will get freaked out easily but he is doing really fine. 

Mom: I thought so too! I don't care, I'm texting son number one that I want Sky and only Sky to be my son-in-law. 

Dad: know what, you do you. 

Mom: Of course! 


Yukichi's Note: Happy Chinese New Year to anyone celebrating. 

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