Lovebit 23-New Year Start

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


New Year Start 


Rain: P'Payu, happy new year! 

Payu: Happy new year khrub. 

Rain: I'm so happy we are celebrating our first new year together! 

Payu: Me too. There's nothing more romantic than a candle light dinner at home and cuddling after while watching live countdowns. I thought you wanted to go out somewhere.

Rain: Nah, I've done enough countdown parties before I met you so this is a nice change. What do you do on new year's day? 

Payu: Usually an alternate between visiting my parents with my twin or taking a vacation somewhere in the countryside. 

Rain: Shall we take a vacation next new year then?

Payu: Of course we can. I can show you places where tourists don't go. 

Rain: I would love to P'Payu! Thank you! 

Payu: You're welcome. 

Rain: P'Payu...? 

Payu: Hmmm? 

Rain: Thank you na for being by my side P'Payu. I pray that we will always be like this forever and ever. 

Payu: Umm. And I pray that all of us are healthy and happy and may you graduate without having to take extra credits. 

Rain: Oh yeah, I would need that luck too. Wait, oh no! 

Payu: What is it? 

Rain: Speaking about graduation...I have some course work...umm....left over....

Payu: I see. So when's the deadline? 

Rain: The day after tomorrow....? I'm screwed...P'Payu....I....

Payu: know what? 

Rain: I know, I deserve this. I left my home work undone again. 

Payu: No, I don't mean it that way. Why don't we quickly go and finish your school work? You have two more days. I'll help you. 

Rain: P'Payu...I love you. 

Payu: I know but it doesn't mean you get to escape your punishment after you finish.  

Rain: Huh? you punishment? 

Payu: Well, little nongs who don't do their homework should be punished, don't you think?


Payu: Don't you worry about it. It will be a punishment you can't forget. Now go get your homework and we can start. 

Rain: *Gulps* Khrub. 


Prapai: SKY!!! Are you sure? 

Sky: Yes khrub, I am sure! 

Prapai: But this is the first time we are celebrating the new year! Why are you doing this to me!? 

Sky: Well P'Pai, it's not my fault things turn out like this. So it's best for things to proceed this way. 

Prapai: Sky, you're meanie. You're actually going to kick me out of your apartment on New Year's day? 

Sky: I don't want to but I have to. 

Prapai: Ou, don't you love me? You knew I want to spend the new year day with you! 

Sky: I do too but P'Secretary called me, your siblings called  me to look for you and see, even your mom is sending me texts asking for you because you turned your phone off. 

Prapai: But I want to be here! 

Sky: I know but they need you back at the office. 

Prapai: This sucks. Who works on new year's day? 

Sky: Actually, many people work on new year's day. Including my dad. But that's not relevant. So get going now P'Pai. 

Prapai: I really, really, really don't want to go. 

Sky: But your family really, really, really need you home now. 

Prapai stands by the door and pouts. Suddenly Sky feels bad. 

Sky: P'Pai? 

Prapai looks away, arms crossed. Sky found him cute. 

Sky: P'Pai khrub? Why aren't you looking at Sky khrub? 

Prapai: Because my Sky is mean to me, that's why. 

Sky: Fine. I'll make you a deal. If you finish early, you can come back and hang out at my place. 

Prapai: Really? 

Sky: Yes, only when and if you are done with work. I'll ask Secretary and your siblings for confirmation. You can come over when they said they are done with you for the evening. 

Prapai: Ou...

Sky: And I'll even make you some chicken porridge, I'm making for myself so you can come over for supper too. 

Prapai: Really? 

Sky: Yes. Maybe we can't celebrate a full new year's day together but as adults, we'll do what we have to do and come back together ok? 

Prapai: Khrub...

Sky: I'll throw in a bonus. I'll prepare a hot bath for you and I'll massage you as a reward tonight ok? 

Prapai: Sky... you will? 

Sky: Yes. I'll...take care of you tonight. 

Prapai: Take care? 

Sky: Take care. However you want it. 

Prapai gulps. Sky tiptoe and kisses him. 

Sky: I'll see you later na khrub!

Prapai: Ok. Can umm...I get a kiss please? 

Sky smiles and kisses Prapai on the cheek before pushing him out of the door. 

Sky: Phew, nice, some quiet time for myself. Let's see what should I do? I know, a rerun of One Piece movies! Let's go! 


Yukichi's Note: Happy New Year 2023! Xing Nian Kuai Le! Selamat Tahun Baru! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! Sawasdee Pi Mai! Gung Hi Sin Nian Fai Lok! Ok, I only these language greetings. 

May this year be a fruit and prosperous year to everyone out there. Thank you for reading my writings. May everyone achieve their dreams and ambitions in the best positive ways possible. All the best to everyone around the world. Stay safe, healthy and happy always. 

May BL be the key to world peace. 


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