Lovebit 61-Jealousy Again

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Jealousy Again


Rain: P'Payu! 

Payu: Yes Rain?

Rain: Let's start a couple y-tube channel! You and me, doing boyfriend stuff. 

Payu: Ok. Sure. Let's do it. 

Rain: I love you! 

-One Week Later-

Payu: Rain, I thought we are going to film a boyfriend wears my clothes video? What time are we doing it? 

Rain: Nah, change of plans, no filming today.

Payu: Ok, then when are you going to film? I'll clear my schedule for you.

Rain: No need, I wouldn't be filming, ever again. 

Payu: Oh, why? Didn't you say you will do weekly uploads? 

Rain: Not doing anymore. Not after all those nasty comments. 

Payu: Oh? There were mean comments? 

Rain: Not mean, more like thirsty. 

Payu: Thirsty? 

Rain: The last video of you wearing old Korean costumes went viral and now there are droves of thirsty people commenting how hot you look. 

Payu: And you don't like it that they didn't say nice things to you too?

Rain: No, I just don't like feeling that everyone is looking at my man. 

Payu: Rain babe, are you jealous? 

Rain: Yes. 

Payu: Aww, my Rain is so cute. Come here for a hug. 

Rain: Ok. But no more stupid videos, screw the channel. If I have to choose between y-tube fame and my boyfriend, I choose my boyfriend. 

Payu: Good choice. Come here, I'll squeeze you. 


Sky: P'Pai, where are you going? 

Prapai: Oh, Miss Secretary called me and said they are shooting my promotion video for our company today. 

Sky: I see, that's why you look so handsome today. 

Prapai: Did you say anything Sky? I didn't catch that. 

Sky: Never mind, I was just talking to myself. Just go. It must be the shoot where you told you have to post with pretty models right? 

Prapai: Well, selected ladies who will represent our company yes...

Sky: I see. I guess you have fun then. Off you go. 

Prapai: Umm...Sky? 

Sky: What? Aren't you going to be late for your shoot with selected ladies who will represent your company? Just go. 

Prapai: sound upset. May I ask why? 

Sky: No, I am not upset. Why do you think so? 

Prapai: Because I have a photoshoot with ladies? 

Sky: Of course I wouldn't be upset about you needing to shoot with the ladies, of course not, no. 

Prapai: Awww, my baby is so cute when he is jealous! I love you Sky. Can I squeeze your cheeks?

Sky: No. Just go. Before I get really mad. 

Prapai: Sky, I was only messing with you when I said I will shoot with ladies. Here, I will be shooting with the male models instead. Theme of the shoot, The Very Man Company. I don't even know which staff of mine thought of this but hey, as long as marketing works. See, only shooting with men. Feel better now? 

Sky: No. You sleep on the couch tonight. 

Prapai: Ou, why? Sky?! 

Sky: This dude model here is famous for stealing other people's boyfriends. So good luck to you. 

Prapai: Sky, how is he stealing boyfriends has anything to do with me? 

Sky: He will definitely aim for you and then you will be too polite to reject him and then you will be nice to him and then he'll think you like him and then he will find out about me and then come mess with me so of course it has everything to do with you! P'Pai, it's all your fault. 

Prapai: Sky, no, wait! Ouch! Sky! Open the door! Let me explain! Damn it, jealous Sky is so scary! Sky~~~my baby~~my soulmate~~Sky~~


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