Love Baby 25-Will

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit




Rain: P'Payu, what are you writing? You've been writing for a long time now. 

Payu: Nothing, just notes so I don't forget them. 

Rain: I see a lot of numbers. Wait, are these like money figures and list of properties? 

Payu: Yup. I am trying to sort out what belongs to me and what belongs to both Saifah and I and if I have anything joint with my parents.

Rain: P'Payu, why are you suddenly doing these notes...are you like in debt or something? I knew it! Khun Pakin needs you to pay back some debt or something? Do you need me to talk to my parents? I know they can help! Nothing can happen to you na P'Payu. You can't just leave me and babies all by ourselves okay?! Please please, please!? 

Payu: Babe, calm down. I am not in debt or need to pay Khun Pakin anything. On the contrary, he should be paying me for the last bike fixing bill. Thank you for reminding me babe. I'll have my staff call his accountant to settle the balance payment. 

Rain: But P'Payu, if it's not about debt, then...why are you listing everything out...?

Payu: Well, now we are expecting babies and we are going to be an actual family, I thought I want to do the right thing by getting my finance stuff straight and eventually draft out a will. At least whenever we need any emergency funds, I know what to do and if anything does happen to me, my will will have you and babies are covered. 

Rain: TOUCH WOOD! Nothing will happen to you P'Payu! 

Payu: I am just saying honey. After I came back from our aunt's funeral and seeing how my cousins struggled sorting her finance stuff because they were used to rely on my aunt for anything financial, it just daunts me that nothing is certain in life. Better be prepared for just in cases. 

Rain: Promise me you will stay with me for a long long time. Or else I wouldn't marry you. 

Payu: Oh, since when you agree to marry me? I haven't even propose.

Rain: I don't need to wait for you to propose. I can do it too! So, what do you say?

Payu: Say what? 

Rain: Marrying me of course! Will you marry me P'Payu? 

Payu: Should you present me with a ring if you want me to marry you? 

Rain: It's still in the jeweler and I haven't picked it up. It's all your fault you start saying stuff about will. Now I don't want to wait a moment too long to get married. I want to be with you officially official, like the most official there is. 

Payu: You are being really silly but really sweet. Thank you Rain. 

Rain: So, what's your answer? 

Payu: Yes, of course I will marry you my love. 

Rain: Yay! Ya hear that babies? Mommy and daddy are getting married! 


Prapai: Sign it. 

Sky: No, thank you. 

Prapai: What do you mean no thank you? I am putting you as the partner of this document. You are the love of my life and you deserve to be on this document. 

Sky: And so are the 8 other insurance policies of sort, almost 10 property deeds and ownerships of multiple vehicles and excluding all those whatever financial stocks and bonds. I think I deserve enough so I am not signing this one. 

Prapai: Yes you are. If anything happens to me, you are the legal owner of my company. 

Sky: And why will something happen to you? If you are sick now and didn't tell me, I promiseyou P'Pai, I will donate everything to the charity the moment you leave me. 

Prapai: Sky, look, listen. I didn't do this because I am sick or anything, I am still healthy and you saw my medical report but my financial planner and lawyers did advice me it's good to get all these will things, financial things sorted out. The earlier I do it, the easier for us to manage especially when we are expecting our princess. 

Sky: I get that you are looking out for our baby and me and I really appreciate you putting me as beneficiary and heir to a lot of things, which I promise I will look after them but really, this company does not belong to me. You worked hard for it, alongside your siblings. So I think if anything were to happen, the company should go back to them or your parents.

Prapai: Well, that's the thing I told them exactly that but if you have to know they were the one who insisted to include you so my hands are tied. If you don't want to accept this, then I guess you will have to explain to both my siblings and my parents why you wouldn't be part of the company. 

Sky: P'Pai, you are using your parents and siblings as an excuse. Why are you doing this really? 

Prapai: Well, just take it as another way I guarantee that you will stay by side for a long long long time. 

Sky: As if I will be anywhere but by your side. Fine, I'll sign this. 

Prapai: Yay! Congratulations! You are now part owner of my company. Your get 10% of the share! Babe what's wrong? 

Sky: I think I need to go make merits tomorrow at the temple. 

Prapai: Oh, why is that? 

Sky: I need to ask the monk what did I do in the past life to deserve all this love, from your family and you. 

Prapai: I am sure past life, we must know each other and love each other so much too. 

Sky: Never mind. I going to bed. You? 

Prapai: Let me finish reading some paperwork for our princess. I am considering which education funds to get her and also which property to buy and put under her name. 

Sky: Never mind I asked. Good night P'Pai. 

Prapai: Good night babe. 


Yukichi's Note: My money's everywhere so if anything does happen to me, I think my siblings will have a hard time locating anything. I need to be Payu. 

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