Lovebit 16-Lopburi Love Story Part 1

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Lopburi Love Story Part 1

"Oh, we are here, I think you can park your right in front of the gate," 

Prapai parked as how Sky instructed him and stopped the car. The trip that was supposed to take two hours and a half maximum ended up being a hellish five-hour drive. When Prapai started the drive, he was excited to reach early, maybe do a bit of sightseeing and then relax. It was the relaxation he desperately needed since he was working round the clock just so he could take a few days off exactly to travel to Lopburi with Sky. Being the heir and vice president of a conglomerate company means he actually has to do work even he might not look like the type who does any. Plus, his secretary could no longer think of any more convincing excuses for him to disappear for more than 2 days so actually working was the only way for him to prove to his boss, namely dad, that he has everything that matter, under control. 

"The traffic was so bad, all the way from Bangkok. I'm sorry you have to drive in that horrible traffic, P'Pai*" Sky apologized as he unbuckled his belt and turned to look at Prapai. 

"Sky, it is not your fault. You can't predict the traffic will turn bad. There was the accident along the way and also people travelling back and forth during the festive and school holiday month. Don't worry about it," Prapai said as he patted Sky's hair, trying to smooth out Sky's nap hair. 

Sky pecked Prapai's cheek and smiled. "Thank you na P'Pai, for driving me back home. Welcome to my neighborhood and home. Now I have to warn you again, this part of town is really really boring," Sky said as he grabbed his and P'Pai's bag pack from the back seat. 

"No where will ever be boring if I have you with me," Prapai smiled. Both of them got out of the car. He observed his surroundings. Definitely looked like a quiet neighborhood, houses neatly aligned, separated by metal gates and fences. Sky's own house was a humble looking, moderate sized double story house. Sky opened the gates and turned to signal him in. 

The inside of the house gave the a warm feeling the moment he stepped foot in. He took off his shoes while his eyes are busy absorbing the layout of the house. A clean living room. Just a plain beige couch, big screen TV in the living room. A piano by the side wall and aligning both sides, bookshelves filled to the brim with all sorts of books.

Sky dropped his bag pack on the couch and walked over to the dining table facing the opposite of the TV and noticed a note. He read and smiled. When he turned, he saw Prapai's already busy admiring the many picture frames on the shoe cupboard and the wall. Most of them of Sky and his dad in various time and age. 

"P'Pai?" Sky called out. Prapai turned his attention to him and gave a little eye shake. Sky noticed this was Prapai's way of asking him questions or seeking clarification. It will be the end of the world before Sky admits he loves the attention those big pair of eyes shower on him. 

"My dad will be back soon. He left to the market, said he'll cook for us this evening," 

"Sounds great," 

Prapai smiled and walked up close to Sky, drawing him closer for a hug. Sky always smelled like baby powder. It's very calming to Prapai, who felt the tension on his shoulder starting to lessen. 

"So, that means we have some time for ourselves before dad comes home. Do you want to have a tour of the house?" Sky offered, looping his arms around Prapai's neck. "Yes please. I want to know everything about Sky. The Sky before I met you," 

Prapai kissed Sky's forehead gently. His lips trailed down to Sky's eyebrow, temple, cheek and finally to the lips. The kiss deepened. It was a long kiss. 

It was Sky who broke the kiss when Prapai's wondering hands ventured into the naughty zone.
"P'Pai...,"Sky stopped Prapai, "you promised you will behave when you're in my house," Sky reminded Prapai, pouting unconsciously. Right. Good move to make him behave with that cute pout, Prapai thought. 

"I know I promised but really, being with you in your house, your territory, makes me feel really really naughty. I mean adventurous," Sky continued to pout, "But a promise is a promise na. My dad will be around a lot so I don't want him to catch us behaving indecently. Besides, you need to make a good first impression no?" 

"Khrub pom khrub. Yes, I need to do all that so when I need to ask for dad's son's hand in marriage, I'll be approved immediately. I'll behave khrub." Sky flicked Prapai's nose playfully and pushed him away gently. 

Sky lead Prapai to the couch, signaling him to sit and flicked on the remote control, turning on the TV. 

"P'Prapai, you just rest here for a bit and watch TV. I'll prepare the guestroom where you'll sleep in tonight ok? I'm sure dad's already prepared but I just want to double check and maybe I'll take a quick shower," Prapai thought he misheard Sky.

"Sky, wait, did I hear right? That I'll...sleep in the guest room?" 

Sky nodded, as innocently as he could muster with a smile. "Yes khrub. I had to answer dad when he asked where you will sleep so...," 

It's Prapai's turn to pout. "Ou, that means I don't get to snuggle with you tonight," Prapai started to sulk and click on random channels. Sulking Prapai can be kind of cute at times. Sky took his seat beside Prapai and rested his head on his shoulder. 

"Well, if it helps cheer you up, the guest room bathroom connects your room to mine....I guess, snuggling for a bit isn't impossible?" Prapai stopped doing what he was doing and hugged Sky tightly. 

"Really? I can hug my baby, my nong Sky, my beloved Sky, my one true love tonight?" 

"If you don't let me go now, I might change my mind,"

Sky got released immediately. Prapai definitely looked fearful that Sky will change his mind. Sky knew the power he has on this incredible man he called boyfriend. That's why it's fun for Sky to tease him a bit, every once in a while. Sky pecked Prapai on the cheek again. 

"Be a good boy until I come back ok?" Prapai nodded his head like a big doggie. 

With nothing to do, all Prapai could do is to flick through the TV channels while occasionally answering texts from his secretary. Very soon though, the fatigue from the last few days caught up with him and he left for dreamland. 

A Lopburi vacation starts, now. 


Yukichi's Note: Listening to PP Krit's songs might trigger horniness. I think I will put his Fire Boy on loop again when I write the next part. I need the goddess BL to bless me with horny writing mood. 

*I just casually looked up google maps of how long it takes from Bangkok to a local tourist spot which came out about 2 hours plus. I don't know how road travels is for these place so I'm basing it of my own country's system which shouldn't be that too far off. 

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