Love Baby 45-Parents Talk

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



Rain: Babies are amazing! 

Payu: Of course they are Rain. 

Rain: Babies are so tiny and they look so fragile! 

Payu: They are tiny now but they will grow fast enough. 

Rain: How are they so tiny and cute like this? I can't seem to stop smelling them! 

Payu: Of course you would want to, you're their momma. 

Rain: How is it they are so cute! I have the urge to bite them, is that normal?

Payu: I think it is the urge of all parents with new born babies. 

Rain: So, you want to bite them too P'Payu?

Payu: Well, not really but I do like to squeeze their faces sometimes, see? Rung looks like rice ball now. 

Rain: Oh my god! So cute! Let me do the same on Sun! Ahaha twin rice ball face! 

Payu: Now now Rain, it's time to feed them first. Or else they will start crying any time soon. 

Rain: Aww okay! I'll take Rung and you take Sun okay? 

Payu: Sure, I tested the milk, it's good enough to feed them. 

Rain: Should we guess who will finish their milk first? I think Rung will. 

Payu: Sure babe, let me go with Sun. Ready Sun? 

Rain: Ready, set, drink babies! Awww, they are so cute! My babies are so cute. 

Payu: So is the love of my life. 

Rain: I love my family. 


Sky: P'Pai, it's your turn again. 

Prapai: Huh? Again? That was fast. 

Sky: Well yeah, that what babies do. Eat and poo. 

Prapai: But he is pooing a little too fast no? Is that normal?

Sky: According to my schedule checks, it's his usual time so yeah, it's diaper change time. 

Prapai: Okay babe, I really thought I just changed him like 5 minutes ago. 

Sky: Welcome to the world of parenthood where you forget and remember everything at the same time. 

Prapai: I love you Sky for doing this with me. 

Sky: I love you too but you are still changing his diaper today, it's your shift. 

Prapai: Okay khrub! 


Yukichi's Note: My female friend from Taiwan wouldn't stop spamming me videos of gorgeous babies. 

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