Love Baby 32-Baby Daddy Shopping

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Baby Daddy Shopping 

-Few months earlier....-


Prapai: Wow, you are buying a lot of supplies. Wood of all sizes, paints, whatever these are. 

Payu: Nuts and bolts. Put them at the counter. I'll be back after I pick up some other tools. 

Prapai: Goodness, why do you need to buy so much? You're having two babies, not 20 babies. 

Payu: I just want more suppliers so I can maybe build extra stuff for the nursery and maybe even toys. 

Prapai: Why don't you just buy them?

Payu: Well, I thought it's good to teach my sons about being frugal and handmade things last longer. 

Prapai: And you will spend so long in getting them done. 

Payu: I don't mind. It's for my own sons afterall. Here, take these to the car. I need to visit another store for some other stuff. 

Prapai: Huh, it's not enough? 

Payu: Nope. I need some more stuff I need to build shelves. 

Prapai: Huh? Shelves?

Payu: You know, just in case my sons needed space to store their stuff. I have a senior, his name his Forth and his sons give him handmade mudballs which he painstakenly preserved as memorabilia on his handmade shelves. I am just preparing in case my sons would like to do the same. 

Prapai: You sons need to grow for at least another 5 years to give you mudballs. 

Payu: And your princess need to wait for at least 5 years old before she can fit into any of the fancy princess dresses you bought her. 

Prapai: It's fine, the baby sizes are on the way. I ordered them before my credit card limit got reduced. 

Payu: You are hopeless.


Prapai: Oh my god! These are so cute. And this collection too! How do I choose!? 

Keng: Since when do you choose cousin? Don't you buy just by merely pointing at anything and everything you like?

Prapai: That's before my wife decide that I spend too much and got my parents to limit my credit limit? I mean not that I spend that much? See? This is my bill for baby shoes! Not even 5 pairs! 

Keng: If your wife and mine have anything in common is the way they see us spend money. Unlike you, I didn't get my credit card limited. 

Prapai: Ou, how did you do it? 

Keng: Just get a new credit card which isn't under your parents, company or wife's name dummy. 

Prapai: Are you going to give me a credit card cousin?

Keng: Well, as fellow cousins and fellow fathers, I understand how it feels like to want to have all the best things for our kids and also the urge to buy all the best thing for them. Well, since I have a bank in my list, I can approve you a card immediately if you like? 

Prapai: Oh my god, really! 

Keng: Yup. I'll do it from the goodness of my heart and because you are my cousin but if you don't pay on time, I am throwing your ass under the bus okay? 

Prapai: Urgh, please, how is it that I miss out on payments? 

Keng: You did miss. Remember when you booked my club for a week and flew in enough alcohol to drown my club then didn't pay more than a year later and that was after I threaten your ass? 

Prapai: Oh come on, that's just one time! 

Keng: Yeah yeah, are you done choosing your princess's clothing? Are you sure you don't need my Piano's clothes? A lot of them are still brand new. 

Prapai: Nah, my princess deserves the best. Okay, I'll take this catalouge book and that too. Oh, maybe those two too. 

Keng: Okay cousin. Thanks for your patronage. 

Prapai: Of course, cousin. Just don't tell my wife. 

Keng: I wouldn't. 


Rain: So, where is P'Pai?

Sky: Went to see his cousin. Said something about needing to look through documents. P'Payu?

Rain: Went to the supply shop. Said he needed to buy some stuff to fix for Khun Pakin. 

Sky: Are you sure he isn't buying more supply to make stuff for your twins? 

Rain: No idea. Not that I mind him making stuff. P'Payu's so good in everything you know. Even making stuff. The other he made the twins a Kubb set. 

Sky: What's that?

Rain: I don't know. He said it is a wooden block game from Sweden for the twins.

Sky: He does realize that your twins aren't born yet and even if they are here, they can't play it for a long time right?

Rain: It's okay, I will play it before them then. 

Sky: Never mind I told you anything. 

Rain: Then what about you? Did P'Pai stopped his shopping spree?

Sky: Yup. I made his parents limit his credit card limit. Let's see how he spends now. 

Rain: Maybe he might borrow from loan sharks to buy stuff for your baby. 

Sky: I don't need us to get into debt because of shopping. I know P'Pai loves me and all but the way he spends is just too ridiculous. 

Rain: I am sure P'Pai knows what to do. Tea?

Sky: Okay. I am feeling cake. You?

Rain: Ice-cream. 

Sky: Tea and ice-cream?

Rain: Well I want tea but babies demand ice-cream. 

Sky: Fine. Baby and I both want cake. 

Rain: Okay, let's go.  


Yukichi's Note: I really should stop writing pass 3am. 

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