Love Baby 04-Not So Serious Baby Talk

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Not So Serious Baby Talk 


Rain: I have something to announce.

Sky: Shoot. 

Rain: P'Payu and I are going to have a baby. 

Sky: You, having a baby, as in, a human baby?

Rain: Yup. P'Payu and I are going to start our own family. I promise I will give him as many babies as he want. 

Sky: What are you, a sow? 

Rain: You're just jealous Sky.

Sky: How am I being jealous?

Rain: Well, you never told me about wanting to have babies with P'Pai. 

Sky: Just because I haven't told you doesn't mean I didn't talk about it with P'Pai silly head. In fact, yesternight we had an open heart to heart discussion and we will proceed with our family planning plan. 

Rain: Huh? Means what? 

Sky: Means, we'll let nature take its course and when it happens, we will be ready. 

Rain: Means, you guys are ready to be parents any time? 

Sky: If you put it that way, yes. P'Pai said we should start young so when are grandparents, we still look young and hot. 

Rain: This is so awesome! Awesome news? 

Sky: How is this awesome news? Wait, don't tell me...

Rain: We can totally get pregnant together! 

Sky: Huh?

Rain: Think about it, then our kids will be the same age, like us. They can do stuff together all the time, and study together, grow up old together, hey, who knows, maybe fall in love with one another and we all become one big happy family! 

Sky: Rain, we aren't even pregnant now and you're already thinking about our kids falling in love with one another? That's too far ahead. 

Rain: Hey, it's fun to think about the future okay? So, when are you going to get pregnant? 

Sky: Rain, I don't have a specific date to fall pregnant. 

Rain: Do you and P'Pai want to match my procreation dates with P'Payu? 

Sky: So P'Pai and I can have sex on the days you guys are having sex so we can fall pregnant at the same time? 

Rain: YES! 

Sky: Ewww, Rain, no. Eww. 

Rain: Ou. 


Prapai: I amma be a pop.

Payu: Congrats. You finally knocked Nong Sky up. Poor him. 

Prapai: Ass. No, he isn't knocked up, just yet. 

Payu: But you said you're going to be a pop. 

Prapai: I said, I amma, means I am going to be one. Eventually. Sky okayed to start a family with me. 

Payu: Are you sure that's not just an excuse to jump him even more frequent than you are now? 

Prapai: Hey, I'm not some horny bastard. 

Payu: Right.

Prapai: Fine, maybe I am horny, like most the time okay, fine, all the time for my Sky but it's only natural when you have someone as gorgeous as my soul mate. 

Payu: Of course. 

Prapai: But I do want a family. I can already imagining my little Cash, little Money, little Bank, little Card, little Plus, after surplus mind you, running around my house. 

Payu: Wow, your kids names are money themed. 

Prapai: I know, but it's not Sky approved yet so they might change. So, when are you going to be a pop?

Payu: How would I know? I am not the one who will be carrying it.

Prapai: Good point. Oh hey, where are you going? 

Payu: To the jewelry shop to pick up my customized ring I will propose Rain with. 

Prapai: Oh right, I forgot you two wanted to get married first! 

Payu: As we should, according to the natural order. What, you're going knock your bae first then marry him? You're a bastard you know that, if you live in the olden days. 

Prapai: I will follow you to the jewelry shop to have a look. 

Payu: Okay but don't you dare copy my design. 

Prapai: Wouldn't. I design better than you anyway. 

Payu: Shut up. 


Yukichi's Note: I am back. Post fanmeet spirit down syndrome. My School President - Prom Night concert, as fantastic. Okay, goodnight. 

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