Love Baby 33-Hello Mama

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Hello Mama

Disclaimer: Recommend reading this while you listen to this song called Hello Mama by Thailand band Taitosmith. This song always makes me cry and hits harder when you actually understand the lyrics. 


Payu: Baby, why are you crying? Are you okay?

Rain: I-I...okay...

Payu: If you are okay then are you crying this bad? There must be something. Tell me?

Rain: I-I...miss my mama and my papa too. 

Payu: Oh? 

Rain: I was listening to this song and suddenly I miss my parents. And soon we will be parents too. The cycle of life...I just...suddenly miss my parents so so much. Don't you P'Payu?

Payu: Of course I do. This song makes you feel so much right? 

Rain: Yeah. Shall we call our parents? You call your dad and I call mine? 

Payu: Sure, let's do that. Sometimes, it's the little things that counts. 

Rain: Yes P'Payu, it's enough if it's only asking if they ate. 

Payu: Or how their day went. 

Rain: P' eyes are getting watery.

Payu: Am not. I think the parents topic can be quite sensitive to some people. Even me. 

Rain: I understand. But for our babies, we will do our best okay?

Payu: Of course. 

Rain: Let's give our parents a call okay?

Payu: Let's baby. Let's do a video call too. 


Sky: P'Pai, why are you sniffing? Oh goodness you are crying?

Prapai: Am not! Who said I am crying?

Sky: Aww, your snot's everywhere. Come on, blow on my hand. 

Prapai: No, I will make your hand dirty. 

Sky: It's okay, I can wash hand. Come on. 

Prapai: Okay...

Sky: Now will you tell me what's making you sad? 

Prapai: Nothing. I was just searching for cute babies videos to look at when start getting videos about parents and children reunion videos. Especially parents who are on military duties. And then this rock band song played at the background, I couldn't help myself and got teary....

Sky: Aww P'Pai...that's very sensitive of you and very sweet in fact? 

Prapai: Huh? How so? Don't you think I am a crybaby or over sensitive or something?

Sky: No, why should I be? Every adult is someone's child and no matter how old someone gets, it is okay to miss to their parents and want to be pampered by their parents. Like us? We will be someone's parents and we will always want to love and pamper our children no?

Prapai: Yeah...It's the cycle of life. 

Sky: Speaking of parents. Maybe I should give my dad a call. Just to say hello. Maybe remind him when princess will arrive. 

Prapai: Yeah. And I should return mom's calls too. Mom's been bugging me about visiting us this weekend. 

Sky: Let's invite your parents and my dad over okay? Then we can have a family get together, you know before princess arrives and we are too occupied with her to do anything as a family?

Prapai: Good idea. Love it so much. 

Sky: You know what, let's switch. I'll call your parents and you call my dad okay? 

Prapai: Cool. Let's do that. Sky?

Sky: Hmm?

Prapai: I love you so so so much. 

Sky: I love you too P'Pai. The first to invite their parents win! 

Prapai: Bring it on babe! 


Yukichi's Note: Hello Mama by Taitosmith is my song kryptonite. If I need to cry, this is on top of the list. 

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