Love Baby 43-Presents

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



Sky: So, what do you want for your babies, P'Payu and yourself this Christmas? 

Rain: Huh? Why are you asking me directly? Shouldn't you do what best friends do?

Sky: What do best friends do?

Rain: Analyze and guess what we like!

Sky: Well, I had the time to do that until last year then I popped out a human and  I help take care of two other humans for my best friend so I guess my brain cells are no longer enough to choose presents. 

Rain: Right. Got it. Let me see what I want. Do I have a budget?

Sky: Yes. Anything that's less than 1000 baht each. 

Rain: Hey, you married one of the richest man in Thailand and you are setting only 1000 baht for present?

Sky: Yes. First, you have enough stuff. Your babies can share my baby's stuff. P'Payu doesn't need more stuff since he doesn't care for stuff. What other stuff do you need? 

Rain: Wow, you made a point. You really are my best friend. 

Sky: Yeah. You better be grateful I am even giving you a budget. P'Pai wouldn't stop bugging me about buying you guys presents and you have to see how much he spend presents for his staff and family which totally deserve the presents and also to nasty business partners he doesn't like. 

Rain: You are traumatized by the number so you try to not the add zeroes. 

Sky: Exactly. 

Rain: Fine. For me, maybe a nice hamper of snacks. I want chocolates. For babies, well...maybe some toys. 

Sky: Can I buy them One Piece ones? It's good to start them young. 

Rain: Okay. Whatever their Uncle Sky wants. 

Sky: Good. For P'Payu, definitely a good bottle of wine. 

Rain: Huh, I thought I was supposed to choose. Wait. Maybe that's a better idea. I was thinking of a book about bikes but P'Payu doesn't really read anything that's not about buildings. 

Sky: Good you remember your husband is an architect first. 

Rain: what do you want for you, P'Pai and baby Sailom?

Sky: Just make me handmade tickets for free baby sitting. 

Rain: Huh, that economical? You sure you don't want anything? 

Sky: I have enough One Piece stuff, P'Pai has enough any other stuff and baby Sailom doesn't need any new stuff. Handmade tickets are fine.

Rain: Sky will always Sky. 

Sky: Yup. Suck it best friend. 

Rain: Sucked it, best friend. 


Payu: What are you doing? 

Prapai: My list of expenditure for gifts for the festive season to everyone I know, friends, family, business partners, staff, you name it. 

Payu: Cool. You actually care where you spend your money. 

Prapai: Nah, I didn't do it. Miss Secretary did, under Sky's request. Sky is just so cute. 

Payu: I am pretty sure Nong Sky's worried you will squander all your family wealth before your kid grows up. 

Prapai: As if I could now. Sky totally set up a whole team of accountants to monitor our spending. So anything I spend on, needs the signatures from nasty boring people I don't like. 

Payu: Sky signs them too? 

Prapai: Nah, he doesn't but he told my parents and they found nasty boring people to sign them but I don't mind. My Sky is just worried for me. 

Payu: That's positive of you. Good. 

Prapai: I know. Sky is buying gifts for you guys so you guys aren't on this list. 

Payu: Don't worry about it. I am happy with anything Nong Sky picks. He gave me a nice set of toolbox last year and I still use them. So, what are you getting Sky and your baby?

Prapai: Promise you wouldn't tell Rain?

Payu: Why? Would telling Rain be bad? 

Prapai: Yes, because then Rain will tell Sky and Sky will scold me. 

Payu: Right. Fine, I'll keep it to myself. 

Prapai: Okay. I am looking at these for Sky and Sailom. 

Payu: Cool, you are taking them to the a trip? Your Sky is obsessed with One Piece so the theme park should be fun and taking baby Sailom to the planetarium would be fun too, albeit he's too young to understand but I am sure he will appreciate it.

Prapai: No no, these aren't trips! This are the document to own the share to the theme park that hosts the One Piece exhibition and a certificate to show that a star is named after my Sailom. 

Payu: Wow, for real? 

Prapai: Are these wonderful or not!? So cool. 

Payu: So wonderful. Good luck to you friend. 

Prapai: Huh? Why? 

Payu: Nothing, I am sure Nong Sky will be thrilled, one way or another. 

Prapai: You think so too? 

Payu: Yup. Just...ummm...make sure that you are umm...showing off your muscles when you show him these documents, you know to hype the mood. 

Prapai: Oh my god, good idea! Thanks bro! 

Payu: You are welcome. 


Yukichi's Note: A day late but Merry Christmas everyone! 

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