Lovebit 38-Annoying Texts

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Annoying Texts

-Phone Chat-

Rain: Sky, you're nasty. 

Sky: I didn't do anything. 

Rain: Yes you did. You didn't warn me. 

Sky: You can't walk, can't you?

Rain: Yup. P'Payu did what you know and I'm sore all over. It's like I haven't been to gym for years. 

Sky: You have never been to gym since I know you anyway. 

Rain: True. Anyway, I'm texting to let you know I'm not coming to class. 

Sky: Ok. I'll tell the professor and bring you your homework. 

Rain: Thank you. But doesn't mean you're not nasty. You should have warned me my boyfriend would be mad at me because k-pop idols decided to hug me and kissed my hand because I am cute. 

Sky: I did. It's not my fault you're too stupid to notice. Now go rest. 

Rain: I can't. P'Payu said he needs to continue my "punishment". 

Sky: Wow, he is that mad? 

Rain: Nah, I just find him hot and we decided to continue our role play. He's wearing this formal teacher shirt and pants you know. So sexy. 

Sky: I don't want to know. 

Rain: But I want to tell you! 

Sky: Stop texting me! 

Rain: But I want to! For not warning me, you deserve to read every single thing P'Payu's going to do to me, in detail. 

Sky: No. Eww. I don't need to know what P'Payu does with your body. Go away or I'm sending screen shots of this conversation to P'Payu. 

Rain: Huh, what, NO! Don't do that! 

Sky: Then stop, texting me! 

Rain: Fine, ok, ok! I get it. Don't you dare betray me like that friend or, or, I'll...

Sky: You have nothing on me. Now go. Have fun with P'Payu. 

Rain: Fine. I'll go. How is it I'm supposed to annoy you but ended being threaten by you? 

Sky: Dunno. You're annoying but your threatening IQ is too low. Now go. 

Rain: Ok, fine, I~#$%^&*RTYUIO()dfhjs

Sky: Finally. 

-Phone Chat-

Prapai: Everything ok?

Sky: Yes khrub. Rain's being silly again but it's ok now. P'Payu got him under control. 

Prapai: How do you know? 

Sky: I just do. Now let's go back to where we left off. What position do you want to try next? 

Prapai: Any position which makes you scream the loudest. 

Sky: Okay, then come kiss me. 

Prapai: My pleasure. 


Yukichi's Note: I'm still sleepy. 

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