Lovebit 44-Chinese New Year In The Air (Hypothetical)

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Chinese New Year In The Air (Hypothetical)


Mom: Honey, you heard the news?

Dad: What news? My cousin crashed in his private plane?

Mom: No, that's mean but no. Son number one is bringing his beau back for Chinese New Year. 

Dad: Oh ok then. Then we have enough members to play a table of mahjong just by ourselves. 

Mom: That aside, this means I have to remind me to buy extra ingredients for cooking. Since the last time I think I know what son number one's beau likes to eat. He is such a darling. Did you know he finished my entire pot of chicken soup the last round? 

Dad: Yes I did. And I didn't get to have some but that's not the point. 

Mom: Of course. Anyway, I have to clean up the guest room too. 

Dad: Huh, why bother? He didn't use the guest room the last round. 

Mom: Well son number two is coming back as well and he shares a room with son number one so it wouldn't be appropriate if there is three person cramped up in a room. 

Dad: Then why don't you have son number two sleep in the guest room then? I'm sure he will be more than happy. 

Mom: you think it is appropriate? 

Dad: Like it or not, our kids are grown up and they will do things whether we allow them or not. Maybe we just have to remind them to be discreet. 

Mom: Right. Discreet. Then I'll leave it to you to tell to be discreet since son number two will be around too and I don't think he'll appreciate having to listen to umm....vocabulary and sound effect exchanges between son number one and his beau. 

Dad: Wait, don't usually you are the one who does the talking? 

Mom: No. I'm too embarrassed to talk about this one. 

Dad: You weren't embarrassed yesterday when you-

Mom: Stop or you sleep on the couch until both sons come home for Luna New Year. 

Dad: Yes babe.


Mom: Honey, look at son number one. 

Dad: What about him? 

Mom: He looks so sad. 

Dad: And? 

Mom: Well, he is sad because he isn't with his soul mate. 

Dad: Well of course he isn't with his soul mate. He is jet setting with us to Europe for holiday while his soul mate stays behind with his family for the festive weekend. 

Mom: Urgh, you can be so clueless. Can't you see he is missing his Sky? 

Dad: Well, he has to suck it up now he is on the plane. You were the one who insisted we go travel as family together. 

Mom: Well I did but this holiday was booked months ago and he hasn't brought Sky to meet us then yet. 

Dad: So, what do you propose we do about it now? 

Mom: What do you mean what do we propose? We kick our little birdie out of the nest and let him soar to his soulmate. 

Dad: Umm...sounds weird but are you sure? This trip should be about us as a family you know. 

Mom: Well it is should but I can't bear to see my baby looking so sad thinking about his baby. Just look at his sad and ridiculously handsome face? See that cute lips turned down? Plus maybe by letting go, we can get a new son-in-law sooner. Not a bad tradeoff. 

Dad: Fine. Then I guess you can tell him the news that he can go back to his beau AFTER we landed. 

Mom: Ou, why not now? 

Dad: Because I don't need to risk him literally getting off the air mid-air. He inherits your hastiness you know. 

Mom: Hey, as if you are the most patient person in the world. You were the one who didn't wait to jump my pants. 

Dad: True, when it comes to you, I never wanted to wait. 

Mom:'re so sweet but hands off my butt. The kids are right behind those seats. 

Dad: Well, we have our own private suite which we can lock ourselves in you know. I promise you this time, our suite's sound proofed. 

Mom: Nah, I promised number one, two and and three that we will behave for once when we are up here.

Dad: Urgh, that means I have to wait 15 hours more? 

Mom: Yeah, go take a cold shower. 

Dad: Join me? 

Mom: Umm....nah. 

Dad: Meanie. 


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