Love Baby 16-How To Be A Mommy Class

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


How To Be A Mommy Class

Rain: I am nervous.

Sky: Shut up. I am no less nervous than you are. 

Rain: But you've always been the smarter student in classes. I am sure you will do well. 

Sky: And you are not too bad if you just pay attention yourself. 

Rain: Sky, I don't feel so good....

Sky: No, no, you are not bailing out on this one. I am not giving you notes if you miss this one out. 

Rain: Ou, you are so mean! You're supposed to be my best friend! 

Sky: And you are mine! So preggo best friends stick together whether you like it or not. Here, some essential oil to stop whatever that you don't feel good about. 

Rain: Urgh! Fine! Oh, here comes the teacher. 

Sky: Oh no. Oh, wait, Doctor Kit? 

Doctor Kit: Good afternoon Khun Rain and Khun Sky. I will be your teacher for today's. Are you both ready to start to learn? 

Rain: Wait, so you are the strict teacher who will be teaching us today!? P'Payu warned me to be really careful since he said someone really strict will come teach us and there will be exam and everything. 

Sky: I think probably that's what P'Payu said to encourage you to concentrate. But it is okay if you are strict Doctor, I think it is necessary to prevent us from killing our offsprings accidentally. 

Rain: Yeah yeah, I am so clumsy! I just don't want to hurt my baby. Please make sure that I don't accidentally harm my baby please, doctor, please!?

Doctor Kit: Haha, I am sure both of you will be fine. Don't worry. I will guide you from the beginning to the end. If you have any questions, you can ask me any time, repeatedly as many times as you need until you understand. I also have some baby dolls here for us to do actual infant care practices There wouldn't be exams but I will be quizzing you from time to time just to check your understanding. Don't worry if you get it wrong, I will explain it as many times as needed. That's about it okay? Any questions? 

Rain: Yes! What time is break time? 

Sky: Doctor, don't worry about him. He just came from the bathroom and already ate heavy lunch. He's just sleepy and looking for an excuse to nap. Let's start. If he fails his quizzes then I'll tell his husband to punish him. 

Rain: Hey, you are mean! That's not true doc! We can start right now. 

Doctor Kit: Sure, let's start. So I'll start with teaching you how to hold a baby. We will practice with this two baby dolls. 

Sky: Like this? 

Doctor Kit: Good, just support its head gently and fold the arms gently once you are comfortable. 

Rain: Doc! How about me? 

Doctor Kit: Umm...Khun Rain...I think we should hold the baby doll with its face up. 

Rain: Oh shit. I screwed up! I amma kill my baby! 

Doctor Kit: No, no, don't panic. It's normal if you don't know. We will practice slowly, I'll guide you step by step. 

Rain: Doc! Please make sure that I don't kill my doll baby again, please! 

Doctor Kit: Of course Khun Rain, relax. And Khun Sky, maybe you want to put lesser pressure on the arm....oh...umm...don't worry, it's just a doll, we can fix it. 

Sky: Doctor, please promise me I don't kill my baby doll too, please. 

Doctor Kit: Khun Sky, don't worry relax. We will get through this. Promise. 

Sky: Ok, thank you doctor. Can you please excuse me while I take a five minute bathroom break to cry my heart out? 

Doctor Kit: Huh? Umm...sure. 

Rain: Doc! I'll just follow cry my heart out to no, to check on Sky! See you in five! 

Doctor Kit: Sure....

Doctor Kit: Okay Kit, you got this. You're a baby doctor for this long, you can do this. This is the last time I take on favors and do private classes. Chill Kit, you can do this! Your're the best Kit-Kat in the world! Yay! 


Yukichi's Note: Okay, everyone is exaggerated here. My brain is not functioning anymore after a graveyard shift. See you tomorrow! 

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