Love Baby 31-Last Prep

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Last Prep


Rain: P'Payu...

Payu: Yes Rain?

Rain: I'm....scared....

Payu: Are you okay babe? What's wrong? Do you need anything? Come here for a hug. 

Rain: P'Payu....squeeze me! 

Payu: Am I am not squeezing you in my arms enough? Any harder I think the twins will complain and kick you again. 

Rain: It's okay. I think the twins wouldn't mind it longer. I can't believe they are coming to world in like these few days. 

Payu: Is that why you are feeling scared babe? 

Rain: Yeah...scared, anxious, excited, happy, calm but not calm....everything...what if I suck? 

Payu: Suck? 

Rain: Yeah, what if I suck as a parent? Like what if I don't do a good job raising them? What if I have no clue what I am supposed to do? Oh my god I don't even know if I can change their diapers right. What is I starve them because I am stupid? 

Payu: Babe? Calm down. 

Rain: But...but...

Payu: Rain, to be honest, I am feeling everything you are feeling as well. I thought of all the things that you just thought of too. If you are feeling scared, so am I but you know what? 

Rain: What...?

Payu: We will do this together. We will build this family together. We will build our home with our children together and I believe as long as we have each other, we can get through this. We have to believe in ourselves, okay?

Rain: Okay....I'll do my best....

Payu: And I will do my best with you too. And just keep in mind, we will make mistakes but I want you and I to forgive ourselves when we do and promise we will work things out without beating ourselves too much, promise?

Rain: Promise...I love you so much P'Payu...ouch, they kicked me. They are saying they love you too. 

Payu: And I love you babe and my boys too. Why don't you go to bed  first? We will stop by the temple for prayers before we head to the hospital so I want you to be well rested.

Rain: Aren't you joining me to bed P'Payu?

Payu: I'll come in a bit. Just want to make sure I packed all the stuff we need. 

Rain: Okay. I love you. Oh, they kicked again. They say they love you again. 

Payu: And I love you all again. Goodnight. 

Rain: Goodnight. Hey stop kicking me and go to sleep jeez, they said goodnight. 

Payu: Boys, be nice to momma. Go to bed now Rain. 

Rain: Okay. Goodnight. See? Told ya daddy will scold you...aww, stop kicking me! 


Prapai: Sky, why aren't you coming to bed?

Sky: Packing our ready to go bag? 

Prapai: Babe again? You packed and repacked that many times. 

Sky: And every time, I found new things to add in. 

Prapai: When are you done so I can cuddle with you again?

Sky: After I manage to stuff in this 10 volumes of One Piece into this bag. Your daughter needs to know the ending of this arc and I am not having her come to the world without finishing this arc. 

Prapai: Okay babe. I will be surprised if she doesn't come out screaming the theme song of One Piece. 

Sky: Okay I am done. Wow, I can't believe this happening. 

Prapai: Babe, what's happening? 

Sky: Well, you know, me, having a baby, with you and the baby, actually coming to the world within these few days. All this felt so surreal. 

Prapai: But it is real, not surreal. 

Sky: I still feel like I am in a dream. Everything is perfect. Too perfect. 

Prapai: And you deserve nothing but perfect. 

Sky: We will do alright aren't we? You know, as parents? 

Prapai: I don't know if I will do alright but I know you will be the momma in the world! 

Sky: And I know you will be the best papa in the world too. Just don't spoil her too rotten. I can't bear thinking how our kid will turn out to be a brat.

Prapai: Promise. I will only spoil her rotten until she is 5 and then I will spoil her...sparingly. 

Sky: You better. Pheww done packing. What should I do next?

Prapai: Babe, come to bed, you must be tired. 

Sky: Nah I don't feel sleepy. But....I feel like doing something else. 

Prapai: Oh? What? 

Sky: Sex. 

Prapai: Huh? Now? 

Sky: Are you up for it? Or you are too sleepy? I mean it's okay if you aren't up for it, I can always read my other hundreds volume of One Piece manga. 

Prapai: I will never say no to making love with Sky. 

Sky: Okay, then, clothes off. 

Prapai: Khrub! 


Yukichi's Note: Babies are cute. 

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