Lovebit 57-Uncles (Hypothetical)

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



The Flamboyant One: What kind of chat group is this? Who created this group and added me here?

The One Named After Casino: Me.

The Flamboyant One: The heck, why are you the one creating a group chat?

The One Named After Casino: I needed advice and we are still half cousins even if we hated each other. So suck it up.

The Younger One Who Sings Too: Umm...P, how can I help you? I don't know why I am added in this group.

The One Named After Casino: Oh shoot, I added the wrong dude in here. Wait.

The Older One Who Sings is added.

The Flamboyant One: Yo, stop wasting my time, what do you want?

The One Named After Casino: Advice. My bro told me his son number one might get married soon and needs my help with his wedding. Like I want to know, what do uncles do in situations like this?

The Older One Who Sings has left. 

The One Named After Casino: The heck he leaves for?

The Older One Who Sings is added.

The Older One Who Sings: Stop adding me, I don't like you.

The One Named After Casino: Shut up. I don't like you too but you know you and your honey is dragged into this too.

The Flamboyant One: People! What ya'll talking about?

The One Named After Casino: Huh, you mean you don't know? Your precious handsome nephew number one is tying the knot  and apparently he will have a double wedding with my nephew number one!

The Flamboyant One: The heck!?  How is it that I, the second most senior member in the whole god damn family is not informed of this? Did you know this, my youngest's nong's spouse?

The Younger One Who Sings Too: Well, my P did mention something about a wedding when he called but reception was pretty bad in the forest, I didn't hear the details well, so...

The Flamboyant One: You know what, I amma go whack my second brother in the head for a bit. I will NOT be excluded in this matter. I have been planning the weddings of my Ken dolls in every combination possible since I was  a kid and I will not be excluded from planning my own damn nephew's wedding! Did I mention that boy's mother has terrible taste?

The One Named After Casino: I have to agree on this one, remember the one time he wore that shirt for Uncle's birthday? Ugly maxima.

The Flamboyant One: I know. It should be burned. Wait, why am I talking fashion with you? Never mind, I'll go now. You better update me if anything related to the wedding comes up. Get?

The One Named After Casino: If you stop being nasty, yeah.

The Flamboyant One: Fine, I'll stop being nasty until everything about the wedding are over and then I am going back to ignoring you.

The One Named After Casino: Right, to the remaining both of you, I....

The Older One Who Sings has left. 

The One Named After Casino: He is an asshole, your spouse.

The Younger One Who Sings Too: P, maybe you can tell me what you need him to know. I'll pass the message. He is kind of busy with his next album release.

The One Named After Casino: Urgh, fine. Tell him, he is performing at the weddings.

The Younger One Who Sings Too: Okay, I will let him know.

The One Named After Casino: And he'll charge the bill to his nephew's side.

The Younger One Who Sings Too: Khrub. Is that all?

The One Named After Casino: That's all. For now. Don't you dare exit this group.

The Younger One Who Sings Too: I will not P. Talk to you again khrub.


Yukichi's Note: How can we ignore the uncles? Heck no.

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