Love Baby 23-Starting Early

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Starting Early


Payu: Babe, what are you doing? 

Rain: Listening to Mazort classical music. Why? 

Payu: I see. Do you mean Mozart? 

Rain: Yup. People say listening to Mazort classical music whatever is really good babies. 

Payu: So that's why you have the headphones on the stomach instead of your ears?

Rain: P'Payu, I tried listening to Mazort music but I get so sleepy while trying to listen to them and I have do stuff around so I thought I'll just let our babies listen to it direct instead. 

Payu: Right, good idea. 

Rain: I know right. I think our babies are going to be so smart. 

Payu: I am sure there will be a lot of factors into getting smart babies but I appreciate your effort in trying. Thank you babe. I love you. 

Rain: Anything for our babies.


Prapai: Sky dearie, do you want to go out and have a walk outside? It's a lovely day. 

Sky: Nope. I am busy. I have to finish these. 

Prapai: Wow, why did you take out all your One Piece comic books and merchandise? And also so many of the DVD boxsets?

Sky: I amma rewatch everything from the beginning. 

Prapai: But baby, you already a One Piece fan. You know the stories already. Why do you need to rewatch or reread them? 

Sky: Well, I know the story but our baby doesn't. No child of mine will grow without knowing what One Piece is. That is just not acceptable. 

Prapai: I my princess will grow up to be a girl pirate? 

Sky: Well, she definitely will have that option if she wishes. I just want to start her early so she can catch up by the time she grows up. 

Prapai: It's cute to see you so insistent of anything Sky. I love it. 

Sky: Nah, only One Piece. It was my childhood. I just want her to enjoy things I enjoyed when I was young. 

Prapai: I am sure she would love too 

Sky: Do you want to read the manga with me P'Pai? 

Prapai: Okay, sure. Why not. 


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