Love Baby 47-Playdate

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



Rain: Hello Sky! Aww hello baby Sailom! I am happy you made it. 

Sky: I am happy to make it. 

Rain: Huh, what do you mean?

Sky: My husband, the father of my son suddenly had to attend to guests coming to our house. Some important business partners around the neighbourhood. I thought I would never be able to leave the house but I ran away after serving them tea. 

Rain: Ahaha, so you left P'Pai to deal with his guests all alone?

Sky: Well, it's his business partners and he can't whine about it when I leave. Plus, I promsied to bring Sailom over and I will keep my promise. So where are the twins? 

Rain: Napping still. And I see baby Sailom is a little sleepy and his eyes all puffy. Did he cry?

Sky: Wailed while I drove here. It's okay, it's good to let him cry a little. I am training him that mommy and daddy doesn't get to come near him every time he cries. He has to learn patience. 

Rain: Awww, you're a meanie Sky. 

Sky: Never too early to teach independance. Don't worry I only let him cry when I really can't attend to him immediately. Anyway, let me just put him to sleep with the twins then when they wake, they can play. I them play with each other...wait....just stare at them when they play with themselves....okay, everything doesn't sound right. 

Rain: Never mind, I get what you mean, here, always a space for Sailom. Put him in the middle of the twins. 

Sky: They are so cute! How are babies so cute?

Rain: Yeah, and if you shape your fingers into triangle and put it on Sailom's face, he becomes a rice ball face. 

Sky: Oh my god, funny. I have to let P'Pai see this. 

Rain: I know the babies are napping....what do you want to do? 

Sky: some games? It's been a while since we last play anything. 

Rain: Okay! Let's do that! I got a new game for P'Payu but neither one of us have the time to play yet. 

Sky: As if I have any time. Let's play it. For an hour. 

Rain: Okay and if the babies don't wake until then....we take a nap with them. 

Sky: Okay. Deal. Wait. This sounds more like our play date than theirs. 

Rain: Who says only kids get to do play dates? We as parents should have play dates. 

Sky: You are right. Now bring out the game. I am starting to yawn right and I totally need distractions. 

Rain: Okay, game and sugar coming right up. P'Payu made pudding. Want some?

Sky: Yes please! 


Prapai: Yo! 

Payu: No, why are you texting me?

Prapai: You're nasty. I haven't even ask you for anything. 

Payu: You usually call and if you text means you want something. What do you want?

Prapai: Wanna go out and grab beers?

Payu: At 3pm in the evening? 

Prapai: Well, it's not my fault my wifey wouldn't allow me to join the playdate he is having with your wifey with our babies after stupid guests arrive at my place suddenly! He said it is a mommies and babies thing so daddies should stay out. 

Payu: I think they just want to nap in peace. 

Prapai: But I let Sky nap in peace! 

Payu: You sure? 

Prapai: Yeah! Like I let him nap and we only have fun one round nowadays like once every other day. 

Payu: Never mind, too much info. I don't need to know your bed routine with Nong Sky. 

Prapai: Fine, so, do you want like beer or something? 

Payu: If it's coffee or tea, then I don't mind. 

Prapai: What are you, an old man or something? 

Payu: I don't fancy driving with alcohol in my system in the day during a weekend Bangkok traffic later. You might want make smarter choices  so you can live longer to be with your family. 

Prapai: Wow, you are right. Fine, coffee is fine. Where?

Payu: Come to race track. I am here working on Khun Pakin's bikes but I have my own brewing machines here to make you coffee. 

Prapai: Cool! Let me get my bike suit for a few rounds. It's been a while. 

Payu: Sure. 

Prapai: Hey, this sounds so fun! Like we are having our own play date! 

Payu: Okay, this sounds so wrong coming from you.

Prapai: Yay! I get to go to my own play date too with you! I should text Sky to let him know. 

Payu: Cringe but yeah, do that. See you later dude. 

Prapai: See ya! 


Yukichi's Note: Yeah, I have a lunch date with a close friend of mine. What do you all do on weekends usually? 

Question: I am trying to build the twins and Sailom's personality as I write. What personality do you think these babies will be like growing up? I always thought of Sailom to be a little bratty. All babies I have wrote seem to be nice kids, I kinda want to try a nasty one. How about the twins?

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