Lovebit 09-Appointment

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



Pai: Baby dearest~~

Sky: Yes P'Pai?

Pai: Let's go dinner at that restaurant you like. I'll make reservations.

Sky: No I can't. I have to meet Rain and Sig after this for our project. Rain messed up some parts so Sig and I have to re-do them.

Pai: I see. Then how about I come over tomorrow morning and take you out for breakfast?

Sky: Oh P'Pai, did you forget? Your mother asked me out for shopping tomorrow. We'll leave after breakfast.

Pai: Right... mom was pestering me about the shopping trip for weeks. Fine. Then I'll come over when you two are done. How's early dinner? We can go on a movie date tonight.

Sky: Sorry... your brother and sister booked me me for a movie too and I said yes...I didn't know you'll be available. You did say you have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow night....

Pai: Geez...fine. How about the day after tomorrow? It's a Saturday. You are usually free on Saturdays. I'll spend some time with you this Saturday then.

Sky: P'Pai...sorry...P'Secretary invited me to her birthday party and...I said I'll go....

Pai: What?! Not my secretary too?!

Sky: Well...P'Secretary's always nice to me and she takes good care of you so much. That's why I thought it would be great to be her friend and I'm happy she invited me.

Pai: Urgh! This is so frustrating! My boyfriend's time is all booked with other people and I don't even get some of it.

Sky: Oh come on P''s only this weekend. I spend almost everyday with you no?

Pai: But I don't want to miss even a single weekend without you. Now I regret ever introducing you to my side of the family. They are too much! They are conquering my baby's time! The time that's meant for me! I can't take this! Urgh! I am so mad!

Sky chuckles while watching this grown man ranting. Sky wraps his arms around Pai's neck and gives him a peck. Silenced Pai immediately.

Sky: P'Pai...what do I have to do to make you stop being so mad?

Pai: You want to make me stop being mad about you spending time with everyone but me?

Sky: Yes khrub.

Pai: Fine. If you promise to let me spend the night at your apartment the next two weeks straight then I'll stop being mad.

Sky: P'Pai, you have work! And you have business trips don't you?

Pai: I don't care about any of that. I just want to stick to you, cling to you and just want to have you all by myself every moment I can.

Sky: I'm fine with this but I can guarantee you your mother and P'Secretary wouldn't be too happy about this.

Pai pouts.

Pai: Doesn't matter. I can handle anything as long as you are by my side. So, promise?

Sky: Promise khrub.

Pai: Good. By the way, what time do you have to go to Rain and Sig?

Sky: In two hours. Sig and I are waiting for Rain to come home from his date with his hubby before we ambush him.

Pai: Good. Then let's go.

Sky: Go... where?

Pai: Your room.

Sky: we need to go to my room?

Pai: So I can ambush you before you ambush your friend. It's only fair.

Sky: P'Pai, didn't you get enough? We just did how many rounds earlier?

Pai: Baby, I will never get enough of you.

Sky tries his best to hide his shy smiles and let Pai leads him to his room.


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