Lovebit 02-Search History

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Lovebit 02-Search History 


1. How to win the heart of your crush in 30 days - A Guide

2. Tips to make your crush fall for you

3. Tips to avoid procrastination - How to get your homework done, now! 

4. A guide to balance your love life and school life with efficiency. 

5. How to get into illegal racing tracks and get out safely. 


1. Modern architectural designs 2022

2. Architect design competitions in 2022

3. Yummy recipes to feed your cutie pie boyfriend

4. Naughty things to do with your cutie pie boyfriend

5. Best racing spare part and tool shops in Bangkok


1. How to overcome trauma after being abused by douche ex-boyfriend?

2. How to reject someone who's bugging you for ages clearly and politely. 

3. Meditation to achieve peaceful sleep - no more nightmares

4. Chicken Soup for New Love Beginnings

5. R/Slash AITA: Help! I locked my best friend up in my room until he finished his school work, which he already had 2 extensions for after failing to submit them previously because he ran off to go on dates with his rich, hot, handsome boyfriend. He wouldn't stop whining and crying and saying I am mean for not letting him meet his boyfriend now but I am just doing my job as his BFF to make sure he finishes his homework before he goes on dates!! I swear I don't starve him or make him work without rest. I feed him on time, make sure he naps whenever he needs to. Am I the butthole in this case? Advice appreciated. 


1. Tips to make stubborn cutie pie crush fall for me, hard. 

2. Best flowers to give to your crush according to personality, blood time, horoscope and many more. 

3. 10 Best and VALID excuses to use to skip out of work. Try this at your own risk. 

4. Ways to make someone disappear without being implicated legally. 

5. Best costume play ideas that's guaranteed to spice up your bedroom fun! 


Yukichi's Note: What else do you think these boys will look for? 

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