Lovebit 21-Overseas

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit




Rain: P'Payu! 

Payu: Yes Rain? 

Rain: I heard that you accepted the transfer to the Japan branch for work. 

Payu: You did? Yes I did accept the transfer. 

Rain: P'Payu! Why!? Are you going to leave me all alone in Thailand? Is this how we will become? Long distance relationship? Or worse, we have to break up? 

Payu: Rain, I-

Rain: Oh my god! No! I can't leave without P'Payu! How can you do this to me P'Payu! 

Payu: Rain, liste-

Rain: I know P'Payu's a career man but doesn't mean you can just throw me all alone in Thailand like this. Have you ever consider how I will feel before you make decisions like these?

Payu: Rain babe...

Rain: I knew it! P'Payu doesn't love me anymore. That's why he is all gung-ho to go and leave me alone! P'Payu doesn't want me anymore! P'Payu's so mean! *Loud cries* 

Payu: Rain. I think you need to calm down and listen to what I have to say first ok? 

Rain: What do you have to say some more?

Payu: First, have you heard of applications like Zoom or Slack or Google Meet? 

Rain: Yeah, those stuff where people can gather to meet online?

Payu: With those tools around, who needs to travel anymore? 

Rain: Huh? What do you mean?

Payu: It means, just because I accepted the transfer to the Japan branch doesn't mean I have to be there in physical. All I have to do is just lead remotely. Plus, it is a short term project. 6 months maximum and in between maybe a few times to the Japan branch office, that's all. 

Rain: Means, you wouldn't leave Rain all alone in Bangkok?

Payu: Of course not. I'm even planning to take you along with me on my Japan trips, if you have the time and not failing any subjects. 

Rain: Wow, P'Payu, you are so nice! I love you! 

Payu: I recall someone calling me mean? 

Rain: No! P'Payu's the most handsome kindest boyfriend ever! 

Payu: Then why don't you reward your most handsome kindest boyfriend ever with a kiss?

Rain: Ok khrub! Muah!


Prapai: Babe, I have something to tell you.

Sky: Ok, please. 

Prapai: But I want you to be prepared ok? Don't be too upset about it ok?

Sky: Ok. Shoot. 

Prapai: Ok. You know how I am vice president of my company right? 

Sky: Yes?

Prapai: My dad decided to send me over to Japan to oversee our latest project. That means...

Sky: That means...?

Prapai: That I will be working in Japan for some time. 

Sky: I see....

Prapai: Sky? Are you ok? 

Sky: Ok. Sayonara. 

Prapai: Huh? What did you say?

Sky: I said ok, goodbye. Have a safe trip. 

Prapai: Ou, aren't you a little surprised? I'll be shipped over to Japan to work you know?

Sky: No, why would I? You're a businessman and businessmen travels so it's fine. 

Prapai: But I will be away for some time. Maybe a long time. Are you ok with it?

Sky: Well, it will be lonely sometimes but we have our phones and all, we can video call all the time. 

Prapai: But you'll be alone here! 

Sky: I still Rain and P'Payu as friends. And Sig too and my dad and yeah my other colleagues and friends. Don't worry about me. 

Prapai: Ou, you aren't a little bit upset at the fact that I have to work overseas? You know, you only have to say one word and I'll stay back. For you. 

Sky: Exactly why I will never say those words. P'Pai, I want you to be you and go after what makes you happy. 

Prapai: But I'm happy when I'm with you!

Sky: P'Pai, a man needs to build his career and I believe our love can withstand any challenges. Don't worry P'Pai, I'll be the man standing behind you when you achieved your success. 

Prapai: Sky?

Sky: Yes P'Pai?

Prapai: You know what? I'm not going to Japan anymore. 

Sky: Are you sure P'Pai? And here I was thinking, maybe I have the chance to visit you in Japan?

Prapai: Wait, you will come visit me in Japan?

Sky: Well of course, long distance doesn't mean we can't visit each other right? 

Prapai: Hey you are right.

Sky: Besides, your so called working overseas is only for 3 months. It'll pass by in no time. 

Prapai: Sky, you can be so mean when you want. 

Sky: Well, P'Pai, I'm not being mean. It's just facts. Do you want to plan where you can take me in Japan?

Prapai: Ok! I'll do the planning. 

Sky: Love you. 


Yukichi's Note: Anyone worked or is working in Japan now? 

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