~ one hundred and twenty eight ~

1.2K 47 1

Olivia's pov

After several days of training, we were playing against Chelsea in the London derby.

It was a sellout at the emirates with over 59,000 tickets being sold.

It was going to be incredible.

We had already warmed up and now we were waiting in the tunnel to walk out.

Jonas had changed the formation around a bit and had us in a 4,4,2.

Manu in goal. Katie, Amanda, Lotte and Steph on the back line. Vic, Kim, Caitlin and Beth in midfield, Beth and Caitlin on the wings. And of course, me and less upfront.

"Remember what I said, Russo, 5-0 by the end. You just watch. I'll even make a bet. If we beat you, you have to put Maisie and Lottie in them Chelsea shirts." Niamh says from the Chelsea line.

"You've got a deal, Charles. But if we win, you have to wear an Arsenal shirt the next time we all go out." I tell her



The game kicks off and within thirty seconds, you can tell the games gonna be physical.

I was pushed to the floor by Erin cuthbert in the 29th second but it wasn't enough for a booking.

In the 8', Katie passes to Caitlin who runs down the left wing before going more central.

Her pass into the box was blocked but Kim gets it back and passes to me.

I couldn't shoot because there was about three Chelsea players in front of me.

I do a 180 degree turn to see Beth free.

I quickly pass to her and she dodges out the way of a player and shoots for the center of the goal.

Before I could even see if it's gone in, I hear the stadium erupt.

We all run to Beth, engulfing her in a hug.

Our lead doesn't last for long though, within five minutes Chelsea seemed to find an equaliser.

Two minutes later, less has a shot but it's offside. The goalkeeper saved it anyway.

It had started raining as well and the rain made it so hard to see.

After several free kicks, fouls and shots, the third goal of the game comes.

We had a corner thanks to Niamh heading it out.

Steph takes the corner and I run in front of the defender marking me and I jump for it to connect with my head.

Again, before I can even turn to see if it's gone in, the crowd has erupted and that gave me my answer.

I run, screaming 'get in' before jumping onto less, making us fall to the ground.

"Well done, baby." She leans down to kiss my lips quickly before she helps me get up.

Everyone comes to hug me and we get into our positions.

We regain possession of the ball but it was being passed back to Manu until eventually, Lotte passes to less.

Less then crosses over to me, going through a perfect gap between two Chelsea players.

It bounces on the floor and I begin a run to the goal.

I hadn't realised just how far I was from ten goal so I keep running and running, practically sprinting down the pitch.

I was so busy with keeping the ball under control that I hadn't realised how wide I'd gone from the goal.

I was left to the goal and the keeper had blocked my view of the goal but I still shot and the crowd erupted once again.

I fell whilst I took the shot and so I celebrated whilst sitting down.

I got up and saw Steph running towards me.

As she did, she slipped on the grass and pulled me down with her so I ended up on the floor once more.

Everyone joined our hug, patting my back.

"That was stressful." I tell less as I hug her

"I bet, baby. Two goals in two minutes. Well done." She says and presses a light kiss to my cheek.

"Thanks to you. You'll get your goal today lessi. I know you will." I state and we walk back to our positions.

Half time soon came along and we all entered the changing rooms happy as to how the first half went.

After fifteen minutes, we get back onto the pitch and the second half commences.

The first twenty minutes of the second half consisted of fouls being committed everywhere on the pitch.

Yellow cards were being handed out here and there.

In the 74', Vic made a run and passed to me in the box.

The goalkeeper came well out and slide tackled me.

She got the ball, however, Jess Carter had also come at me at the same time and caught my leg in the process.

I don't exactly know what happened, but all I felt was a pain in my leg.

As I was still laying on the floor, I heard the ref blow her whistle and that was indication that it was a penalty.

No one could stop them ~ A.RDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora