~ Two ~

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Olivia's pov

I woke up cuddled into less. She was still asleep and so I decided to just lay there until she woke up.

She looked so peaceful when she was asleep.

She started stirring so I kissed her lightly on her head.

"Morning baby, we've got to get up." I tell less

"Five more minutes." Less whispers

"We can have five more minutes okay, but that's it." I give in

About twenty minutes later, seeing as less kept on asking for five more minutes, I finally got up.

I get dressed into my Man City pre match kit and head downstairs to make breakfast.

Before long, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a lock of blonde hair falls into view as less rests her head on my shoulder.

"Hi, there." I smile as I kiss the side of lessi's head.

"Hi." She whispers back. "What have we got for breakfast?"

"Avocado toast." I respond

"Yummy. Thank you." Less kisses me and takes her plate. "What time do you have to leave?"

"We are supposed to be at our coaches at nine but we are already running late because you wanted to stay in bed." I explain

"I just wanted extra cuddles."

We eat our breakfast quickly and before we know it, it's time for us to leave.

"I'll see you on Thursday, okay." I hug less as I finish loading her stuff in her car.

"Love you, livvy." Less kisses me before walking to her car.

"Love you too, less."


I was already running twenty minutes late and so I run to my car and drive to the Joie stadium because that's where we were all meeting.

I park my car in the car park and run towards the coach.

I walk onto the coach and am met with a not very impressed Lucy bronze and Ellen white. They were both like mothers to me and so whenever I did something cheeky or if I'm late, it's like I get told off by them.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry I'm late. It's not my fault though. Lessi wanted to stay in bed for longer and the time went by so quickly." I explain, out of breath from running so quickly from the car park.

"Go on Lucy and Ellen, tell her off." I hear G say from the back of the bus.

"You, shut up." I walk over to G and sit next to her. "I'm here now though. I mean I could have just not shown up."

"You were still late though, kid." Ellen points out

"Yeah but it wasn't my fault." I sigh, even though it was worth being late as I got more cuddles from Less.


"Who are you laughing at?" Georgia asks me about an hour into the drive.

"Less sent a funny picture of Tooney." I explain and show her the picture.

"You messaging Alessia then?"

"Yeah." I smile

"Aw, look how happy she makes you. Your blushing and everything." Georgia teases me

"She makes me the happiest person alive." I admit

"So, when are you thinking of getting her a ring?"

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