~ seventy three ~

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Olivia's pov

I had a call from Gareth asking me to meet him at the Joie stadium asap.

Luckily, I had nothing to do and so I made my way to the stadium as soon as the call ended.

I was now walking into the meeting room, and Gareth was there sitting at a desk.

"Hi, liv, how are you? How's everything going?" He asks me as I take a seat opposite him.

"I'm good, everything going well. How are you?"

"I'm also doing well. Right, liv, I'm going to get straight to the point. Of course, your contract is almost out, and we've had several offers made for you. Record breaking offers. That is if you are continuing to play football after the pregnancy." Gareth tells me

"Where from?"

"A lot. Over the last couple of months, we've had 17 clubs contact us. Manchester United, Chelsea, arsenal. Some international too. Barcelona, Bayern Munich, San Diego wave. Big teams. There's a specific team in north London that desperately want you."

"Wow. I mean, that's such a hard decision." I say

"I know. Wherever you go liv, I'll support you all the way, even if it does unfortunately mean you leaving us. We've had offers from clubs for about a year now, and we've denied everyone, but the offers they're coming out with are incredible. But it all comes down to if you're comfortable with moving or staying here." Gareth states

"Can I have time to think about this?" I ask him

"Of course, I can email you the full list of teams if you want."

"Yes please, Gareth. Thank you."

"That's it for today liv. Once we get your decision, we'll take it from there." He says

"May I ask how much the offers are?" I question

"They vary, but the highest is for £550,000. That's record breaking."

"Wow." I mutter, shocked.

"Don't be shocked, liv." Gareth laughs a bit. "Anyway, have a good day."

"You too."


Driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about the clubs that I could go to.

There was one in particular, and that was the certain club from north London.

Growing up really close to London meant that I went to a lot of arsenal matches.

My uncle was a massive gooner and I was really close to him, he was the one that took me to most of the matches.

The day he passed was one of the hardest days of my life.

Just thinking about playing for them, made me tear up.

I could make that memory of him live on if I played in that kit.

Playing against arsenal meant that I had experienced their atmosphere.

Every single time we did play against them, I'd be so jealous. The fans shouting chants and making all their players feel confident. It was a dream.


"Lessi, I have to talk to you." I tell her as she was walking down the stairs.

"Me too, baby. I've got something to tell you."

"You go first, mine can wait." I tell her

"Marc called me out of training to speak to him in his office. My contract is nearly up and they gave me a list of offers from other clubs. As much as I love Manchester United, I'm not enjoying myself as much as I used to. But it's so hard, because if I was to move somewhere else, it would be far away from here and I can't leave you here." Less says, nearly in tears.

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