~ eighty one ~

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Olivia's pov

"Ssh, baby." I slowly rock lottie up and down.

It must be 2 o'clock in the morning.

She had started crying and I fed her. But as soon as she had stopped drinking, she started crying again. I did everything to try and stop her. I changed her nappy, I rocked her up and down.

When we were in the hospital, we knew that the nurses were there at all times so we weren't scared if the girls cried a lot. But now, it was just us two for the first time, and it was daunting.

"Lottie, come on baby. It's okay." I tell her and stroke her cheeks.

"Pass her here, my love." Less says and sits up in bed. I slowly walk to less and she takes lottie from me.

"I need to feed Maisie as well. She'll be waking up any minute for her feed." I tell less as she starts. Just then Maisie starts to stir in her sleep. "Come on, baby girl." I gently pick her up and sit against the headboard with her.

I start to feed her as less puts lottie back in her crib.

"How did you calm her down?" I ask less in disbelief to her quick lottie had settled with her.

"I don't know, baby. I was just stroking my finger up and down her nose." Less explains

"Do you want me to burp her?" Lessi asks me as I finish feeding Maisie.

"Yes please, baby." I say and she takes maisie from me.

"Hi maisie. Hello, baby." Less coos as maisie opens her eyes.

Eventually, Maisie goes to sleep after being burped and me and less also got to go to sleep. For an hour though, before we woken up to crying.


The sound of crying woke us up once more.

Anyway, it was 8 o'clock so it was time to get up anyway.

Less gets dressed in her training kit whilst I got dressed in the lionesses track suit.

We also get Lottie and Maisie changed and we took a photo that we'd upload to instagram later.


"Sorry about the crying last night." I apologise as we sit down for breakfast.

"Where's our new little best friends?" Georgia and Ella exclaim as they come running up to us.

"They're right here. Fast asleep in their car seats. So do not wake them up, okay?" Less warns. I had never seen her be so stern before.

Everyone came to see the girls again before heading out to the pitches to train.

"I'll see you soon, baby." Less kisses me before kneeling on the floor to kiss Lottie and maisie's heads. They were still fast asleep but I knew that wouldn't last long because they were due a feed in ten minutes.


I made my way to the relaxation room, which was completely empty.

I had two bottles of milk that I had pumped this morning to give to the girls.

Maisie started crying first so I pick her up and rest her in my arms as I get the first bottle of milk and start to feed her.

About midway through feeding Maisie, Lottie started crying too.

I places Lottie's car seat on the table and lightly started patting her tummy to try calm her, which was not working.

"Need some help there?" I hear Leah's voice say from behind me.

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