~ forty ~

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Olivia's pov

Today I had a lionesses live interview with less. Then I had one in my own in two days.


(A/N: less and Liv's lionesses live will be based off of mainly Less and Ella's)

"Welcome to lionesses live, with the couple themselves, Alessia and Olivia Russo." Joelah and Abbie says

We walk in and sit down on the bench.

"Hi. Get comfortable. How are you both doing?" Joelah asks

"Good thank you. How are you?" I ask back

"Good. Is the sun in your eye there?" Joelah questions me

"Just a bit. It's fine though, it's give me a reason to get closer to less on this side." I move so I'm cuddled into less' side and she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"You got the short straw there. Sorry about that. But do you know what? Last time you were on, Alessia, it was so hot. I feel like a little bit of sun, and breeze, hasn't hurt. It was even a bit chilly earlier on. And last time you were on Alessia, we had Wrighty along side you, but I mean having your wife beside you today." Joelah begins

"This is way better than wrighty, isn't it, baby?" I joke and we all laugh

"It doesn't even compare." Abbie agrees with me. "Now, you know what we're gonna bring up here, Alessia. I can't believe we've gone this far into the show and not mentioned it. So the Louvre have just called, they're sacking off the Mona Lisa and they're hanging up this piece of art right here." Abbie points to the tv which has a picture of lessi's back heel. "It's unreal. Have you taken it in yet? You watched it back now?"

"I have now. I still don't know what was going on. I missed the first shot, and then all of a sudden I hear liv shouting for me to back heel it, so I did, and yeah. I mean, that's the story behind it. It happened so quickly. It just happened and it was great." Less explain

"Of course, Olivia, you were the one to tell less to back heel it. Did you have a great view of it all then?"

"Yeah, I was just to the right of less, and being a striker, you have to think quick and to save stress on less having to pass to someone when there were defenders all around her, my first thought was for her to back heel it." I say

"I could watch that all day, honestly. Last time you were on Alessia, we were always talking about your brothers and how they'd put you in goal. Saying that you weren't good enough. Now Ive seen on twitter that your brother is saying that he taught you the back heel." Joelah says and we laugh

"Yeah, I spoke to him earlier actually, and he asked if I saw his tweet about it, I hadn't seen it when he asked me, but yeah I just let him take his little credit. To be fair, he was quite a good player but I don't think he ever used his back heel. He's more of a big tackles, right back. Not much flair." Less explains 

"Gio tweeting that is exactly something he'd do." I add

"Well, the truths coming out now." Abbie jokes

For a while, we talk about less' back heel, before talking about the goal against Spain.

"Now, of course, you two have a special connection on the pitch, but an even stronger one off the pitch. You've recently gotten married, congratulations by the way, can you just explain how you two met all them years ago. We know you met whilst playing for the under 15s, but what was your first impressions of each other? Was it love at first sight?" Me and less start laughing as we already know I'm going to tell a story that me and less have completely different memories of.

No one could stop them ~ A.Rजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें