~ eighty five ~

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Olivia's pov

"Last one. Lucy wants to know, when did you both realise that football could be your full time job and a real possibility?"

"Umm, I don't think it was as young as people think really, I think maybe like sixteen/seventeen. Because you know, like women's football wasn't considered like a full time career but thanks to you guys taking it to the next level. That's kinda when I realised that it could be full time. Or even if it wasn't full time professional, I was gonna do it and do what I had to do to figure it out but yeah, I think since I was like four/five/six, I knew I wanted to play football for as long as I could. But, full time professional football, not until I got a bit older." Less tells them

A cry is heard from lottie who was laying on my chest.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I pick her up from my chest and lay her in my lap. I did this just so she could stretch out. She had been cooped up laying on my chest for twenty minutes now and she could just need a stretch.

"Hi, baby." Less smiles and gently rubs lottie's tummy. "You've got to stop crying. Your sister will start if you don't stop."

I start to stroke my finger up and down on lottie's nose and she slowly stops crying.

"Is she okay?" Jill asks

"She's fine. She's just being difficult. There's nothing wrong." I laugh as I look down at a wide awake lottie.

She yawns and I pick her back up and place her in my arms.

"Aw, they're so cute. Right. So we've had this video submission as well. It's a biggie. It's a really big one, so brace yourselves. What is it?" We all look at the tv and a video comes on.

"Our question for Alessia and Olivia Russo, who has the best hair in the squad?" A woman says

"So we had eyebrows." Kyle says

"Who got the eyebrows?" I ask

"We asked Beth England who has the best eyebrows and she said Jess." Kyle states

"Jess does have good eyebrows." Less agrees

"Katie got best nails. So, come on, best hair in the squad?"

"Best hair. I have no idea. Who would you say, baby?" Less asks and turns to look at me

"Do you know what? I'd say Ellie. She always moans that it's too thick but it's just so nice. It just long, thick, blonde hair." I say and less nods in agreement.

"I 100% agree with that. Ellie's hair is just gorgeous."

"You love it because her hairs natural blonde." I whisper to less and she shushes me before laughing.

"There we are. That one's been answered. Right, let's get onto this because we've got another question for you but this is where me and Jill sit back because you do all the work. This is actually from your teammates. So we've asked them to put some anonymous questions in there. You won't know who it's from. You get to pick one of these." Kyle hands less a few envelopes and she takes a random one. "Sarinas got a question in there too, so you might even get sarinas question."

"Do you know what? Less is so bad at opening envelopes. Look at her." I laugh and point out her less was opening the envelope. "Recently actually, we had a letter through the post that had the date in which our next scan was to see the girls. And so less opens the letter and she literally rips it in half. We tried to still read it but we couldn't see the date and so we rang the hospital and I was on hold for like an hour and a half. All just because she can't open an envelope. I was so angry at you." We laugh remembering that day.

"Okay, enough embarrassing moments." Less laughs

"Sorry, baby. Did I embarrass you because you can't open a letter?" I tease her. "Anyway, what's the question?"

"Would you rather be six years older, or three years younger? That is so easy. Three years younger." Less reads out the card

"Definitely three years younger. I would like to see what it would all be like in six years, but you'd get to live it all over again if you went back three years." I explain

"That's a good answer. What would you pick?" Jill asks Kyle

"Three years younger."

"Now, less, I know you've been training really hard for the Denmark game coming up. But I also want to know if you've been training hard for your next mission. And would you take on the tower?" Jill exclaims, a bit too loud as Maisie starts to stir on lessi's chest.

"I would love to." Less says

"Whilst you get in the zone, go through your tactics and think how you're going to take it on, here's how all of your teammates have done so far." Kyle says and a short clip plays. Less hands me maisie and I rest her in my arm.


"Wow. Every time we watch that, I'm just reminded of how amazing some of your teammates have been and how poor some of them have been as well. So no pressure, okay?" Kyle laughs

"So, the rules are simple. Alessia, two blocks at a time. Build the tower as high as you can. Try get the gold ones because they're worth more points. If you wanna stop at any point, just say freeze. But nobody's done that yet. This is how the leaderboard looks so far." Jill points to the leaderboard.

Kyle goes through the leaderboard with less before she starts her go.

"Whatever you do, baby, do not knock it down. If you do, both of them will start screaming, you know they will." I tell less as she's about to start.

"Ready? 3,2,1, go!"

Less begins and she starts doing what Niamh did and does two at a time.

Less even ended up swearing quietly as none of them would come out.

Eventually, it got to one second left and in a panic, lessi goes to grab another one and ends up knocking it over.

As soon as she does, a loud bang from the bricks falling on the floor wakes both girls up and they immediately start crying.

"Alessia, I swear to god. I told you not to do one thing." I say angrily before turning my attention back to the girls who I try to desperately calm down.

"I'm sorry, baby. Here." Less takes lottie from me and bounces her up and down in her arms, calming her down, as I do the same thing with Maisie.

"I knew it would be you who would do this. That's why I told you not to knock it down." I tell her

"I prefer the game at the euros." Less admits and makes her way, with lottie in her arms, back to Jill and Kyle and stands in between them.

"It was going so well. It was just them last three seconds." Kyle points out

"I think you were pressuring me to get one more and it just went." Less explains and gives a sympathetic look to me.

"Kyle, that was all your fault." Jill tells him. "But nobody goes away empty handed. I know people think these fan jokes are difficult but for me it's been a breeze." Jill opens a paper fan and hands it to less.

"Well, that's your lot for lionesses down under today. What an ending that was. That was spectacular, entertaining. Everyone in the studio, a massive applause, Alessia and Olivia Russo. And of course, the real stars of today's episode, Maisie and Lottie Russo. Thank you for joining us." Kyle says and I go and stand next to less, her arm immediately wrapping round my waist and her lips pressing against my cheek.

"Maybe you can have apple tumble for desert." Jill jokes and we all laugh. "Right, join us tomorrow where I think we'll all be feeling very safe because we have safe hands, Mary earps, joining us."

"See you later."

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