~ forty seven ~

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Olivia's pov

Once again, a coin toss is made between me and the German captain.

In the 95', we get a corner and Chloe takes it.

Millie takes a shot but it's not powerful enough, purely because she was facing the other way to the goal but she still decided to take a shot.

Five minutes later, less tackles a player but leaves her foot in the tackle, resulting in the bottom of her boot going into the Germans players leg.

Less gets a yellow card, but she shrugs it off.

Jill tackles a player but the player also brings her down too.

Instinctively, especially to Jill, she gets up and shouts, 'fuck off you fucking prick' to the German player which made me chuckle a bit. That was just classic Jill.

The whistle, indicating it was half time, went and we all went to Sarina and got a drink.

After a two minute talk, we get back on the pitch and get into positions.

Ella takes a long distance shot but the goalkeeper kicks it away.

Two minutes later, we get a corner.

Hempo goes over to take it and everyone gets in a free position.

Lauren takes it and Lucy goes to header it but misses. It falls to Chloe's feet who takes a hit but is blocked by the keeper, this results in the ball falling towards me.

At that moment, after several thought, I decided I wasn't going to let the ball bounce on the floor.

I had two defenders on both sides of me and one in front of me who could get the ball if it bounced.

Instead, I turn around, jump as high as I can and just pray the ball connects with my foot. I lifted by left foot up first in the air, gaining momentum as my right one flew through the air. I started leaning backwards and my foot connected with the ball perfectly.

I promised ellen that I would make this game memorable for her, and I know I did just that.

In that moment, the ball connected perfectly with my foot and somehow I had bicycle kicked it in.

It was a goal that you dreamt of scoring as a kid and I had scored it in the final of the euros.

The whole crowd erupted.

I didn't know what to do except run.

I get up off the floor, and ran, in the meantime I decide to take my shirt off, swinging it through the air.

Everyone was running close behind me.

I run to the subs bench, and Ellen and everyone was already up waiting for me to come.

"What the fuck did you just do, kiddo? You really did make this memorable."

Everyone comes and hugs me and congratulates me.

They were all so shocked at how I had scored that.

I see less waiting patiently out of the way of everyone.

She opens her arms and I go and jump into them.

"You are something else you are, baby. What even was that? Since when did you know how to do a bicycle kick?" She asks and she puts me down.

"I don't even know what I was doing. I just knew I didn't want it to bounce." I explain briefly

"Now, can you please put this back on. Only I get to see your body." Less says and puts my shirt back on for me.

"I've got a bra on, you know? But if you're jealous then okay." I tease less as I kiss her cheek.

"Livvy, you are ridiculous." Leah comes and gives me a hug.

"That was outrageous, kid." Lucy says and ruffles the top of my head.

Once we get into positions, the ref comes over and gives me a yellow card for my celebration.

At this point, I really did not care. I was too focused on winning the match now.

A German substitution was made and the German player came on with a note in her hand.

She runs on and shows the note to another player, who passes it to another.

Me and less go up behind her and try read it, but I was so focused and had my head in the game, that I couldn't read it, and anyway, it was in German.

Less, later on, takes a shot but the goalkeeper reaches up and saves it.

I look up at the time and see that we have one minute left.

In the last minute, less tackles a player, resulting in a free kick to Germany.

They take the free kick and Lucy headers it and it lands at my foot.

I kick it, and before it can even hit the ground, the ref blows that whistle.

We had won.

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