~ Seven ~

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Olivia's pov

That following morning, I woke up in the exact position I fell asleep in, my head in less' chest. Let's just say we didn't keep it PG when we got to the room last night.

I close my eyes until I feel less start to move a bit.

"Morning, baby." I hear her say as she kisses the top of my head. "Did I dream it, or did Millie and Rachel catch me kissing your neck in the lobby last night?"

"No, no, that happened." I stutter, recalling the events of last night.

"Oh, god. They are never going to forget that." Less says and I nod in agreement.

"I think we should face it now, rather than later though. We have to leave early this morning to head to Sunderland." I state

"The looks we're going to get today, liv." Less whispers

"I know, baby." I kiss less' head

"It was worth it though." Less says

"It was." I laugh. "It definitely was."

"Come on then, my love. Let's get up."

"I would if I could. My legs are numb already and I haven't even moved then yet." I complain

"Sorry, baby."

"Why are you saying sorry? I should be saying thank you." I giggle

"Here, let me help you." Less helps me get up and I start walking towards my suitcase.


When we walk into the food hall, everyone's heads snap towards me and less.

They all start laughing as me and lessi walk towards the only free two chairs which were next to Beth Mead and Ellen.

"Don't even." I warn both of them.

Ellen was giving me a sympathetic look in her eyes.

Less offered to go get my breakfast for me and so as soon as she left, Beth turned to me and smiled.

"So you two had a good night, didn't you?" Beth teases

"Shut up." I say, rolling my eyes at her.

"You two really had a good night from what I can see here." She continues and points to an area on her neck. Of course, she was referring to my neck so I look down at my neck and see a line of hickeys running all down my neck and onto my collar bone. I knew less was kissing my neck but I didn't realise they were that bad.

"Stop it, Beth. They are just kids." Ellen states

"We're not kids. That makes us sound five years old." I complain

"Yeah, but you are so young and anyway, I've always called you kid and I'll never stop, even when your seventy you're still gonna be kid to me." Ellen says and I just shake my head and laugh.

Lessi then comes and puts my plate down in front of me.

"Thank you." I kiss her and everyone 'Oohs' as they watch us.

We separate and the both of us just turn red.


We all then got on the coach and started making our way to Sunderland.

Most people, more Millie, Rachel and Beth made small remarks every so often that me and less would just ignore.

I had my head resting on lessi's shoulder and we were listening to a playlist of all sorts on my AirPods. She had one and I had the other.

I'm guessing I fell asleep because the next thing I knew, less was waking me up.

"Baby, it's time to get up. We're here." Less whispers and places gentle kisses on my head.

"I don't want to." I groan

"Come on, livvy, you have to." Less says and I slowly lift my head up.

By this point, everyone had already got off of the coach, except for us two.

"I'll get our stuff, you just head into the hotel."

"Are you sure I can't take anything?" I ask

"It's fine, baby, go inside. I won't be long."

"Okay, thank you." I kiss her gently and we walk off the coach.


We all got settled into the hotel. It was one of the more nicer hotels that we were staying at.

I had stayed in many hotels for football, some being terrible, some being amazing, and this was one of the amazing ones.

Everyone went through a schedule of what will be happening the next couple of days.

Tomorrow we had a full training day, the day after that was the match against Austria. The day after the match was going to be spent travelling down to Doncaster for the match against Latvia. Training was being held the following day with, of course, the match the day after.

Me and less went to sleep early that night because we were both tired from the late night we had last night.

Hopefully tomorrow there will be less staring and laughing from the team.

No one could stop them ~ A.Rحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن