~ eighty eight ~

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Olivia's pov

"Everything's packed, lessi. I've double checked." I tell a frantic less. She was looking through the suitcase with Maisie and lottie's stuff in it.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I stand behind her and she stands up, facing me. "I packed everything yesterday. I think I even overpacked if that makes you feel better."

"It does. Thank you." Less smiles and kisses my lips.

Whilst we're still kissing, A small cry is heard from one of the car seats and I walk over to them to see Maisie crying.

"There she is again trying to stop us kissing." I joke as I pick her up. "Why can't I kiss mummy, baby girl?"

"Maisie, I like kissing mama so you have to get used to it." Less strokes Maisie's cheeks before kissing her nose.

"Less, Liv, we have to go." We hear Mary say from the corridor outside the room.

"Okay, we're coming." Less says loud enough for Mary to hear through the door.

I buckle Maisie back in her car seat and pick it up whilst lessi picks lottie's car seat up.

"I'll come back and get the suitcases." I tell less as we make our way down to the lobby.

"Everything's packed, right? I know you've said it is, but I'm just checking, baby."

"Less. Everything is packed. Everything that us and the girls could possibly need for the next three weeks. We're going away for three nights, baby. We've got everything." I rest a hand on her waist and reassure her

"Did you pack their nappies?" Less asks

"I knew I was forgetting something." I lie

"Liv." Less complains and walks back in the room to 'get' them.

"Lessi, I'm kidding. You really have no hope that I can pack, do you? I'm saying it for the final time, everything is packed. Now let's go before you start doubting me again." I press a kiss to her cheek and start walking downstairs.


The coach ride to the airport was good.

Both girls didn't wake up not once and they slept the whole way there.

However, we should have realised at the time but we didn't, that they were going to be awake on the plane because they were asleep for so long on the coach.

Once we board the plane, me and less find seats near the back.

Ella and G were in front of us so we knew it was going to be an exhausting flight.

The media team were walking round taking pictures and G started practicing her pose for the camera.

I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of her posing. That picture would definitely be in my instagram later.


"Sorry, everyone." I apologise as me and less finally get Lottie to stop crying.

She had been crying for nearly twenty minutes straight. I had alreadyfed her so she wasn't hungry. Less had just changed her nappy so she didn't need a nappy change. She was just crying for the hell of it.

"Do you want me to take one of them?" G offers

"If you want to." I tell her

"Of course I do. Both of them are my best friends." She smiles and I place Maisie on her.

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