~ One ~

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Olivia's pov

"Lessi. I'm home!" I shouted as I walked through the door but am answered with silence. "Less?"

I drop my training bag down on the floor and continue to walk around the apartment, looking for less.

After looking round everywhere, I figured she wasn't in here.

We lived on the ground floor, meaning that we had a small garden. It was tiny but still big enough to have a table and chairs and a small patch of grass.

I opened the door and see Less doing keepie uppies with a ball.

"Hi, my love." I smile as I see her.

"Hey, baby. When did you get home?" She stops to come and kiss me.

"Five minutes ago. I came in and couldn't find you so I assumed you were out here." I explain

"You assumed right. How was training today?" Less asks as we make our way inside.

"It was good. The usual." I shrug

"So, you and Georgia just messing around then?" Less smiles

"No." I say, clearly lying.

"When is your match against Leicester city?" Less questions whilst she begins to get the food out to cook dinner.

"Wednesday but we'll leave on the Tuesday and get back on Thursday." I reply

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

"I could always come and watch you on Wednesday." Less suggests

"You've also got a match on Wednesday, remember?" I remind her

"I forgot about the game against Tottenham." Less admits

"What would you do without me, huh?" I joke

"I don't know. I seriously don't know."

"I don't know what I would do without you either. It's a good job we'll never know." I hug less from behind as she's still cutting up food.

Alessia was my biggest fan and I was hers. Even though we played for rival teams, we still went to each others games. I would even wear a Man United top with her name on and she would wear a Man City top with my name on.

Most people knew that we were dating and so they never questioned it.

"Even though you won't be there and you'll be playing your match, I'll make sure I score for you."

"Score a hat rick and I'll have a surprise for you Thursday night." Less winks and I blush slightly. "Aw, I still make you blush. After all these years."

"Of course you do. You always will lessi." I smile and she kisses me.

"I love you livvy."

"I love you too, less. Now, can we actually start dinner, I'm starving." I laugh a little

"Yes, we can." Less puts her hair up and gets more ingredients out of the fridge.

"What are we exactly making?" I ask, confused as what these ingredients will make.

"I thought I'd treat us tonight with a spaghetti carbonara." Less says and my face lights up with a massive smile.

"That's my favourite. Especially when you do it."

"It's the Italian in me, baby." Less states and gets on with the cooking.

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