~ sixty seven ~

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Olivia's pov

We were making our way to SGP today.

The Arnold Clark cup starts in a few days and the girls were having a few days training before.

Sarina had told me to go with less to SGP as apparently it was always good to have me around.

I was so touched by her saying that, that I burst into tears. It didn't help that I was so hormonal too.

I was starting to get to that point where I was always uncomfortable and my whole body was aching. My back specifically.


"Baby, can we stop at the services? I need to go to the toilet again. Sorry." I apologise as we drive down the motorway.

This was like the fourth time in the last hour.

"One of the girls is kicking right at my bladder." I explain

"No need to say sorry, my love." Less lays a hand on top of my bump as she drives into the services.


Eventually, we arrived at camp and made our way inside.

"I'll get the bags, baby."

"I can take my suitcase." I tell her

"No. I'm taking it." Less states and grabs both our suitcases.

"Lessi, let me take at least one bag." I say but she shakes her head. "I can't carry a bag because I'm pregnant?"

"Exactly. You're carrying two babies, the least I can do is carry bags. End of now, okay? I'm carrying the bags." Less states and we enter the building.


"Hey there, captain." I walk up to Leah from behind.

"Livvy, it's so good to see you." Lee hugs me. Less has gone to take the bags to our rooms. "Wow. You've gotten big. How many weeks are you now?"

"Twenty weeks. I'm half way through already." I tell her

"That's gone so quick."

"I know. Both girls are kicking now, too." I say

"Girls?" She asks and I nod. "Two mini lionesses. When did you find out?"

"We found out a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, about you now. How are you feeling about your first tournament as captain?" I ask her

"Nervous, but excited."

"You're the best captain they can have, Lee." I tell her

"You are, but you can't play. You're still our captain, liv."

"Not at this moment in time. Lee, you have to understand that you are their captain now. You have to take charge. Not me. All the girls know how lucky they are to have you as their captain. I have a good feeling about these matches too, and my instincts are never wrong. You'll do amazing, Leah." I say to her and feel less wrap and arm around my waist as she comes back from the room.

"Hi, Leah." Less hugs her

We go and say hello to some of the other girls before I headed to G's room to surprise her.

I had told her that I was staying at home.

It was hard not having my best friend in England anymore, but I saw how happy she was in Germany.

"Knock knock knock." I say, knocking on Georgia's door.

"Livvy?" G asks, shocked, as she opens it.

"Surprise." I say and she hugs me

"You're supposed to be in Manchester."

"What? You don't want to see me?" I asks, pretending to be offended.

"Yeah, I mean who would want to see your ugly face." G jokes

"You would."

"Of course I would." G tackles me into another hug. "I've missed you so much, liv."

"Me too, G, me too."


The couple of days before the match were crazy too.

Of course, everyone apart from me, had training and so I spent lots of time alone.

I was sat by myself in the lobby, just on my phone, whilst everyone was training.

"Hey, kid." I hear Ellen's voice say from behind me.

"Ellen!" I say, going to get up to hug her.

"Don't get up, kid. It's gonna be difficult, you know that, I know that. Look at you."

"I could say the same to you. How far along are you now?" I ask her

"30 weeks. Not long now." Ellen says as she takes a seat next to me. "How far are you?"

"20 weeks. Both girls have just started kicking."

"You're having girls?" She questions

"Yeah. Two baby girls." I smile

"Congrats, livvy. Is less happy about that? She said she wanted two girls, didn't she?"

"She was very happy. She's been so good the whole entire pregnancy. She won't even let me lift a bag." I say

"It's been the same with me."

"Anyway, why are you here?" I ask

"I'm giving you all your legacy caps, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I'm forgetting a lot of things recently." I sigh

"It's the Baby brain." Ellen laugh before we hear loads of voices heading towards us.

"There's the two pregnant ones." Mary exclaims as most of the team walk through after a training session.

Less comes straight over to me and checks if I'm alright.


That night, we had a ceremony and were given our legacy caps.

It was something I'll always remember. Being giving that cap reminded me of everything I'd done to get where I was today.

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