~ sixty four ~

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Olivia's pov

"Lessi?" I try waking her up.

I was now 16 weeks pregnant and I had the worst cravings.

They weren't bad because they were weird, but they were bad because when I did get a craving, I didn't want it, I needed it.

Every couple of weeks, I'd get a craving in the middle of the night, just like tonight.

"Yeah, baby?" Less asks, her voice husky.

"I really want peanut butter." I tell her

"Do you want me to get it from downstairs?" Less questions, her hand going to my bump.

"We don't have any. I finished it yesterday." I admit

"I'll go get some from the shop. I won't be long, baby." Less offers

"Sorry, my—" I start

"—You don't have to say sorry, baby. It's not your fault." Less kisses my head and she starts getting dressed. "I'll be less than ten minutes."


"Here we go, my love." Less hands me a brand new jar of peanut butter and a spoon.

"Thank you so much, baby." I kiss her as she gets back into bed.

I open the peanut butter and start eating it with the spoon.

"These babies are gonna come out looking like peanuts." Less jokes and yawns.

"Go to sleep, baby. Thank you for getting up for me." I kiss her head as she lays it on my chest, just above my bump.

I gently strokes her hair as she goes to sleep.

"We're so lucky to have her, babies. She's going to be the best mummy." I whisper, talking to the babies, when less was asleep.

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