~ one hundred and ten ~

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Olivia's pov

"Lessi" I shout.

She was in the kitchen whilst I was in the lounge with Maisie and Lottie.

They were both in their swings. Me and less were attempting to clean the house but either of us were having to stop after ten minutes because one of the girls just wanted attention and would cry.

It was my turn to calm them down so I go and gently tickle their tummies and coo at them.

I kept doing it and after a minute, Lottie started laughing.

It was so cute. Neither of them had laughed before so I wanted expecting it.

"What wrong, baby?" Less asks as she walks into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa next to me.

"Watch this." I say and tickle Lottie's tummy again, she laughed as I did.

"Oh, my god. Her laugh is so cute. Are you laughing, baby?" Less coos at her and she laughs at less. "They're growing up so fast, liv."

"I know, baby." I say, resting a hand on her back whilst watching her and the girls.

"I don't want them to grow up. I want them to stay our baby girls forever." Less tells me and looks at me.

"Lessi, they will always be our baby girls, and anyway, they're only three months old." I point out to her as I rub her back.

"That's the thing. They're three months old. I feel like they were only born yesterday." Less admits

"I know, baby, but they've got to grow up. We can't just stop them from growing up." I say

"I wish we could." Less leans forwards to pick up Maisie. "I mean look they're both going to be crawling soon, and then they'll be walking and talking, then they'll be going off to school and—"

"—Woah, less. Don't get ahead of ourselves. They've still got a few months before they are even crawling. Let's just enjoy the time whilst they are still babies."

"You're right. I-I just don't want them to grow up." Less explains

"Me neither, but they'll always be our little girls no matter what." I say taking my hand from less' back so I can pick up Lottie. "Won't you? You'll always be our little girls?" I say in a baby voice to Lottie and she laughs in response.

"I'll never get tired of hearing that laugh." Less says and I agree with her. "When are you going to start laughing, Maisie moo?"

Maisie doesn't laugh but a huge smile appears on her face instead.

"She's close to laughing. Aww, look at her smile. I still can't believe they're ours." I say and rest my head on less' shoulder.

"We've got them for the rest of our lives, Livvy, so you best believe it." Less jokes and we just look at our girls smiling away.

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