~ fifty eight ~

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Olivia's pov

The camera man hands me another card and I take it from him, keeping it close to me so less can't see it.

"Right, ready?" I ask less and she nods, wearily.

Wow. I didn't think I'd be this emotional. I feel like I'm about to burst into tears.

I was about to tell my wife, my lessi, my one love, that we are going to be parents.

"Baby." I start

"Lady?" She guesses

"Baby." I repeat

"Baby." She states and I nod


"Baby Rachel?" Less questions and I giggle slightly.

"Baby Russo." I say and her whole face changes to confusion.

"Baby Russo?" She asks and I nod, tears in my eyes.

I take out the positive pregnancy test that had been in my pocket and hold it up.

"No way." Less whispers and tears start to form in her eyes. "Baby, it worked?"

"It worked." I confirm as less comes and picks me up.

"Oh, my god. My love, we're gonna have a baby. You're pregnant!" Less spins me around and puts me down, kissing me softly.

"We're gonna have a baby, lessi." I say through the tears.

"We're gonna have a baby." Less repeats as she cries too.

She holds me tightly and her hands drapes to stroke my stomach.

"I love you both so much." Less kisses my head

"We love you too, baby."


Later that night, me and less were laying in bed.

Her hand landed automatically on my stomach, stroking her thumb on it.

"We only had the final egg transfer three weeks ago. Does that make you two and a half weeks pregnant?" Less asks

"Yup. The doctor said that I'll be expected to start experiencing symptoms any day now." I tell her

"How long ago did you find out?"

"Two days ago. The day before we came to camp." I say

"I can't believe you knew for the past two days."

"It's been the hardest thing I've ever had to keep from anyone." I state

"I wonder if it'll be a boy to girl. I think it's a girl." Less strokes her whole hand over my stomach.

"I don't know, baby. We'll find out at some point though." I yawn. "God, I'm tired."

"Go to sleep, my love." Less whispers and kisses my head. "You're sleeping for two now."

"I love you, lessi."

"I love you too, baby. So much."


Just like the doctor said would happen, the following morning I woke up with a strong wave of nausea.

I jumped out of bed, waking less up, and run to the bathroom.

I kneel down on the floor, and throw up in the toilet.

Less comes and rubs my back and holds my hair back.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." She whispers as she continues to rub my back.

Once I'd finished, I lean against the wall and take a big sigh.

"Here's some water, my love." Less hands me a bottle of water from our mini fridge.

She comes and sits next to me on the bathroom floor, and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"It'll all be worth it, baby." She tells me and kisses my head.

"I know it will. So so worth it."

"We'll have a baby and we'll teach them how to play football, and they'll come to our matches. How cool is that gonna be?" Less and me both smile at the thought. "And they're gonna grow up with so many fun aunties. Oh god, can you imagine when they all find out."

"They're gonna be so shocked." I laugh, thinking about their reactions.

"You're not playing any matches, are you? I'm not having you play a game." Less states, getting a bit defensive.

"I'm playing these next two games and then I'll stop." I tell her

"No you're not." Less says, in disbelief.

"Why are you shocked? Of course I am. I'm only a couple of weeks pregnant. I can still play." I ask

"You're pregnant. I'm not having you play. What about if there's a dodgy tackles?" Less sighs

"I'll be fine." I reassure her

"You're not playing. I'm sorry, baby, but I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." Less kisses my head sweetly

"Can I at least play a little bit of the game?" I ask less, giving her puppy eyes.

"Fine, maybe. I'm guessing we have to tell Sarina, and we'll see what she says." Less states

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