~ one hundred and twenty six ~

979 49 0

Olivia's pov

"We had a right little good set up, didn't we? What happened to your finger? Ohh yeah." Less laughs as she remembers as we watch a video of us playing darts at base camp.

"What do you mean what happened to my finger? I'll tell you what happened to my finger. It nearly fell off." I slightly exaggerate as less laughs. "I cut it open, it was bleeding everywhere, weren't it? And you went, 'are you alright', and I was like, 'no, not really.' And then when we got back from the hospital, and everyone was asking about my finger, I heard that you were telling other people that I was really dramatic and stuff."

"Yeah, but you did act like your finger was gonna fall off."

"Lessi, I got told that if it was any deeper, I would have ended up with stitches. You were in the room when they bandaged it. Why are you laughing? It wasn't funny. I was in enough pain as it was. I mean I was giving birth to two babies, your babies might I add, and then all of a sudden I've sliced my finger open on a yogurt lid."

"It was funny at the time though." Less points out, still laughing her head off.

"How was it funny at the time? They had just sorted my finger out and then they told me I had to push two babies out of me. How on earth was that funny?" I ask as less is nearly crying with tears.


A few clips of the goals scored at the World Cup is shown and we make a few comments on how good they were.


The video of hempo walking in with the player of the match trophy starts to play. When she walks in everyone started screaming but I was right behind Lauren with Maisie and Lottie and because of the screaming, they both start crying. Everyone then realises that the girls are crying and so they stop screaming. Apart from Georgia. G hadn't noticed that we were there and so the room went silent apart from G screaming and the girls crying.

"That was so funny. G had no idea, did she?" I laugh

"She didn't. All you hear is G screaming and Maisie and Lottie crying." Less agrees

"Do you remember? Lauren came to see us later on that day, and actually thanked me, and the girls, for making everyone's attentions switch to us instead of her. Everyone knows her biggest nightmare is being the centre of attention. She actually got down on her knees and thanked the girls. I think she thought that they could actually talk and understand what she was saying."


"I don't know why I do that? There's no need to. I mean I'm not even that muscly." I say as we watch a clip of me showing off my muscles in the gym.


The video of my first official training session plays and we were doing a passing and shooting drill. Lucy passed to me and without looking, I shot and it landed perfectly in the mini goal.

"Lovely finish, livvy Lou." Less says


"I was so nervous about this game. I genuinely felt like it was my first England match again." I tell less as we watch a video of my goal against the Netherlands.

"That was such a good finish, baby. I remember LJ passing to you and you just did your thing and got it to the back of the net." Less says


The final video that played was of Maisie and Lottie sitting down on the sidelines of the training pitch watching the whole team train.

It was taken during the latest training session we had.

Sarina was sat in between them and the three of them were just watching us train.

"I've never seen that video before." I admit

"Me neither. Aww, look at them, livvy." Less says and we just watch them as they continue to smile and watch us play.


The camera turns off for a minute and so I move to get more comfortable.

I rest my head in less' lap and put my legs on the sofa. Less strokes my hair and presses a light kiss to my temple.

"It's nice to reflect and see all the memories we've had. The highs, the lows. And everything—" less begins but a big smile appears on her face as she looks past the camera and sees Hempo and Niamh standing, holding Maisie and Lottie.

They begged us to let them babysit and god knows why, but we did.

"It's good to see that you haven't killed our girls." I joke

"They wanted to come say hello." Niamh says

"More like you wanted to come say hello." Less points out

I sit up from less' lap and Hempo and Niamh come and sit next to us.

Niamh passes Lottie to less and hempo passes Maisie to me.

I kiss Maisie on her head and sit her in my lap so she's facing the camera.

"How have you enjoyed your gogglebox episode?" Hempo  asks

"Yeah it's been fun. It's been nice to look back at the last year." I tell her

"Well, we'll let you finish it. Bye bye, munchkins." Niamh  kneel down and tickles the girls before they both leave.

"It's been a bit of a different year for me. Most of the year I've been watching from the stands instead of being on the pitch. It's been hard but we wouldn't have these two if I didn't. It's the best decision I've ever made." I say, getting a bit emotional. Less turns to me and presses a soft kiss on my cheek.

Maisie then starts giggling out of nowhere and turns her head so she's looking at less.

"Hi baby. Why are you giggling?" Less kisses her gently and Maisie waves her hands about. We've learnt that when they do that, they want a certain thing. In this case, it was that she wanted less to hold her. "Come on then, Maisie moo, come lay here." Less picks her up and rests her on her chest. I just stare at less thinking about what I do to deserve her. "What are you staring at, baby?" Less asks me

"I love you." I tell her, randomly.

"I love you too, livvy. So much." Less says and leans in to kiss me.

"Get a room." We hear Ella and G shout from across the hall.

"Shut up." We yell back and laugh

"It's been a good year hasn't it?" I ask less

"The best." Less kisses my cheek and we turn our attention to Maisie and Lottie as they start laughing.

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