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Olivia's pov

"Welcome to lionesses live, our very own captain, Olivia Russo. Now unfortunately, this is going to be a short one this morning, as you are going to London straight after this." Joelah excitedly introduces me and I walk over and sit on the bench.

"Hi. I loved that welcoming, there was so much enthusiasm there." I smile as I get comfortable

"Well, you deserve that introduction. So, I mean where to even begin this interview?" Joelah asks. "It's been a crazy couple of days, hasn't it? I mean we only had you on the show with you wife, Alessia, two days ago. But has anything major gone on in training during that time?"

"Um, not really. I think it's finally sinking in with everyone that we're in the final. Of course, we found out we're playing against Germany, who are playing amazing at the minute, and so everybody's giving it their all in training and hopefully, they do during the match, which I know they will." I say

"You're giving everyone credit but not yourself. Now as captain, you must feel pride in yourself for leading your country to the final of the euros, right?" Amelia asks

"I mean, a bit, it is always an honour to wear the arm band, especially in a major tournament like this. But I haven't lead them to the final. Yes, maybe I lead them out of the tunnel the past few matches, but I haven't done that to get us to the final. The whole team does that. Actually, after the match against Spain, Ellen came up to me and congratulated me on making us win the game, and I can even tell you word for word what I said, I told her that we win as a team and we lose as a team. Luckily, we've won every match so far, and we've done that because we play as a team. No one in particularly makes us win games, because no matter who scores, loads of other players would have helped lead up to that moment." I explain

"That's very well said. It must be a massive achievement for you to be captain at such a young an age. I mean you're not even 23 yet and you're captain of England, you score in nearly every game that you play, in fact you've scored 32 goals in 21 matches for the lionesses. That's such an impressive achievement. Surely you're proud of that."

"Yeah, I mean, I'm very thankful to have been given the opportunity to be captain. And as for me scoring, like I said a minute ago, the whole team helps in someone scoring, so I owe it all to them when I do score." I say

"You're so humble, you really are. Anyway, going back to your age quickly, we mentioned that you're 22, right?" Amelia asks and I nod. "So, can you tell us when you turn 23?" We

"Sunday, actually. July 31st." I smile

"I mean, what a day that's going to be for you. Playing in a sold out Wembley in the final of the euros on your birthday with so many close friends to you. It doesn't get better than that does it?"

"No it really doesn't. It really will be the best birthday present if we win, but even if we don't, I'll still have a good day, as it's always been my dream to play in the euros, let alone in the final." I respond

"Well, I'm glad you'll get to experience your dream, liv. Like what Joelah said earlier, you've scored 32 goals for the lionesses so far. I mean that's only 17 off of Ellen whites achievement. She's currently the top goalscorer for the lionesses and I think, and so does she, that she won't stay it for long. How does that make you feel as a player?"

"Yeah, buzzing. I think as player, it just shows the ability you have, and as a striker, it's my main goal to score and I think I'm foing just that." I state

"You certainly are. Now, just two days ago when you were on, we kept bringing up Alessia's goal in the Sweden match, can you just tell us about your opinion on it again?"

"I was one hell of a goal. She one of the best strikers in my opinion, of course I'm a bit biased as she's my wife, but I certainly requires skill to be able to score a goal like that. It's definitely goal of the tournament so far." I smile, recalling her goal.

"Alessia's not taking full credit on that goal, is she?" Amelia asks and I laugh

"No she's not, even though she was the one that scored it."

"She's not taking the credit because apparently you shouted at her to back heel it. You must have some mighty striker instincts, as we've seen from so many of your goals. Do some of your ideas on the pitch just come to you straight away?" Joelah questions

"Most of the times, yes, but after playing football for so long, you've come across so many different views of shooting, that it's just like a simple tap in." I justify

"You must have been playing football for so long then."

"Yeah, I've been playing for as long as I can remember but I first joined a team when I was 6, so 16 years." I tell them

"You've scored so many goals then, of course throughout your childhood, and then in America, and now for Manchester City and England. Do you have a favourite goal that you've scored?"

"I have a couple. I think my first goal for England will always be special to me. It was against china in the SheBelieves Cup and I scored the winning goal. That's always been special, but if I do score in the final, I think that goal will also be special. We'll see if I do though." I tell them

"Like we said at the beginning, it's going to be a very short interview today, so we'll ask you one more question. The last question we what to ask you is, do you think you'll win the euros?" Amelia asks me

"To be honest, I don't know. I hope so, everyone hopes that we will. I have high hopes as the team is on top form at the minute but so is the German team and that's what is causing some doubt. But the tiniest little bit. I've have a good feeling about the whole entire tournament and that's stuck, so I think, I don't wanna jinx it, so I'm not gonna say, but fingers crossed we do and just know that me, and the whole squad are doing our best to make the nation proud." I reply

"You certainly are already. The whole nation is behind you, and the lionesses, and are supporting you all throughout the country. Well, Captain Olivia, we wish you the best of luck. Hopefully, we'll be interviewing you again after the euros when we can ask you about the final. But for now, good luck."

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