~ ninety ~

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Olivia's pov

The day of the match, less got up early to do a team walk with all the girls and she took Maisie and Lottie in their pushchair so I could have a lie in.

Once they came back, the team did some basic drills just in preparation for the match, but nothing big because Sarina wanted them all relaxed for it.

Before we knew it, everyone was getting on the coach to head to the stadium.


"You've got this, baby." I tell less as I rest my hands on her waist and move closer to her.

"Thank you, livvy. I'll try score for the three of you." Less says

"Thank you, baby." We both lean in and close the gap between us.

"You've got this, girls! I'll be proud no matter what." I shout throughout the changing rooms before picking up Maisie and lottie in their car seats.


"Hi Carol, hi Mario." I greet as I sit down next to them.

"Hi darling, how are you? How are these two?" Carol asks and puts an arm around my shoulder to side hug me.

"We're all good. Me and less are just a bit tired but us three are so excited." I respond

"Where's my little granddaughters?" Mario coos at Lottie and Maisie

"Can we have a cuddle with them?" Carol asks

"Of course. You don't have to ask." I tell them as Mario picks up Lottie and carol picks up Maisie.

"Oh, Mario, look at their shirts." Carol says to her husband and they look at the girls' shirt.

They were both wearing an England shirt with Russo on the back.

"They're cheering on their mummy whilst she plays." I smile as both teams walk out the tunnel.

"And they'll soon be doing the same for their mummy and their mama. It's soon, liv. I promise you it won't be long until that's you again." Carol tells me as I stare at the girls walking onto the pitch.

"Having the girls was the best thing to ever happen to me and lessi, but I've missed playing so much. I can't help but feel guilty at the thought of being jealous." I explain and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"You have every right to be jealous, liv. You've gone your whole life playing football and for a year, you've had to go without. It's a big change. Maisie and Lottie are so lucky to have a mama who is willing to give up a year off of her job to have them." Carol rubs my back

"The amount of love I have for them massively outweighs the jealousy I feel. They really are the best thing to happen to us. We're lucky to have them, but I've missed it. I've missed playing so much." I say and the match commences.


Less kicks off the match and passes to Katie.

After three minutes, we make our first chance.

Less manages to keep the ball under control as the ball lands at her feet from a high pass. She dribbles it past two defenders in the left wing and passes to Hempo, who crosses it in to Lucy.

Unfortunately, Lucy couldn't get to the ball in time and possession goes to china.

A Chinese defender headers it away, and the ball lands straight to LJ who also headers it to less.

Within a second, less had got the ball into the bottom left corner.

"Yes, baby!" I exclaim, not too loudly due to Maisie being asleep on Mario and lottie being asleep on me.

After everyone envelops her in a hug, she turns to look up at where we were sat in the box and makes a love heart with her hands and blows three kisses, which I do straight back to her.

After several fouls and free kicks, Lauren hemp scores a goal from the centre of the box to make it 2-0.

Just before half time, LJ scores. It was a stunner. She was outside of the box and places it perfectly into the top left corner. It came from a free kick in the right wing and Alex passed straight to LJ.

Once again, LJ scores another screamer, however VAR says that it's no goal. Apparently someone was offside in the lead up to the goal.

In the 55', Lucy handballs the ball by accident and is given a yellow for it. It also happened in the box and so china had a pen.

The ball goes straight down the middle of the goal and it is 3-1.

Just ten minutes later, Jess crosses it to LJ who volleys it into the back of the net.

Three subs are made in the 71' and less was subbed off.

Chloe then makes it 5-1 due to a massive mistake from the goalkeeper.

LJ had passed to Chloe who was making a run for the ball and China's goalkeeper went too far out and didn't manage to keep hold of it, so of course Chloe had a free goal and she managed to secure it in the back of the net.

After three failed shots, Rach volleys it into the top right corner to make us 6-1 up.

And after 12 minutes injury time, the final whistle finally blows.


I said goodbye to everyone's families and buckled the girls in their push chair before making my way to the changing rooms.

Before I even opened the door, I could hear the music blasting.

I put the girls to the side because I was going to go in first to tell them to turn the music down, but as I was about to open the door, a certain blonde opens it and walks into me. She screams in the meantime which wakes up both girls.

"Alessia!" I groan and bend down to rub both girls' tummy. It was something that always calmed them down.

"Sorry, livvy. I didn't know you were there. I was just coming to see you." Less rubs my back whilst I calm down Maisie and Lottie.

"You're forgiven but only because you played so well." I smile at her as I stand back up and face her. She wraps her hands on my waist and smiles.

"You were going to forgive me anyway." She points out

"I was." I admit and kiss her cheek.

G then walks out of the changing rooms and walks straight into me and less, screaming at the unexpected contact. With her screaming, Maisie and Lottie start crying again.


No one could stop them ~ A.RTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang