~ ninety three ~

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Olivia's pov

I was in the family and friends box with Lottie and Maisie.

I was sat next to Carol, Mario, Luca and Giorgio.

Gio and Luca were holding Maisie and Lottie whilst I spoke to Mario and Carol.

Before I came up to the box, I went and said a final good luck to the girls. Whilst I was there, Sarina read out the lineup and so I knew who was starting. I was so happy and proud when less' name was read out.


Both teams walk out and sing their national anthems before getting into their positions.

The first five chances are all from Nigeria. Some were saved by Mary and some were off target but luckily, none of them come to any lead.

Our first real chance comes in the 23'. Less took a shot from outside of the box, however, the goalkeeper manages to stretch to the bottom right corner to save it.

Ten minutes later, we get a free kick because LJ was fouled in the left wing.

The ball was crossed into the box and the next thing I knew, Rach was in the floor.

"That's a penalty, surely." I hear Luca say

"You'd think so but our view is very different from down there." I tell him

We watch the replay on the screen and it definitely does look like a pen.

The ref goes to check VAR and decides it's not a penalty.

Just as she announces it's not a penalty, a cry is heard from Maisie.

"That's right, Mais. See, even she knows that should have been a pen and she's a baby." Gio points out

LJ takes two amazing shots before half time but both are the most tiniest bit too high. Both shots were from outside the box and would have been screamers if they went in.

The second half begins and the first twenty minutes is made up of constant shots, mainly from England.

The match was delayed for a few minutes in the 72' due to an injury. Nigeria had a shot and Mary got injured during the lead up to it.

Less headers the ball when she's just left of the goal but it's saved by the keeper, and just a minute later, she's tackled.

She stays on the ground for a couple of seconds before getting back up.

The fact she hadn't got up straight away really scared me.

I now understood why my parents said it was so hard to watch your loved ones play football, especially when it's violent like that tackle.

The free kick is taken, and once again, less headers the ball but it misses and goes wide.

In the 84', LJ gets tackled and in retaliation, when she gets up, she stamps on the Nigerian players back.

The ref immediately pulls out a yellow card before going over to check VAR.

"That's not a yellow, that's a red." I say as the replay shows on the screen.

"That's definitely a red card." Luca agrees

The referee turns on her mic and announces that the yellow card is being cancelled and it was now a red card.

Just before the full time whistle, less gets subbed off for Chloe.

She sits down in her seat on the bench and looks up at us. I blow her a kiss and hold up Lottie, waving her hand to make it look like she is waving.

I see less smile before turning to Ella, with a proud look on her face, and pointing up to us.

The full time whistle blows and it's declared that the match will go into extra time.

The first half of extra time speeds by and the only chance made was from Nigeria.

Half time in extra time came around and the team gathered round.

The second half of extra time goes by quickly too. There were loads of injuries, including Kiera having to come off because of her knee.

Once the whistle blows, both teams gather round to prepare for penalties.

England were set to take the first pen.

Georgia sets the ball down on the spot and takes a few steps back. She runs and connects her foot with the ball. Although there was so much power behind it, the ball goes too wide.

Fortunately, the Nigerian player that takes the next penalty makes the exact same mistake and it goes wide.

Beth takes the next pen and it goes perfectly down the centre.

The Nigerian player who takes the next penalty skies it.

Rach walks up and takes the ball from Mary, placing it down on the spot and walks backwards.

She smashes it into the left side and kisses her wristband.

All of us in the friends and family box were sat on the edge of our seats.

Nigeria score their next penalty and so does Alex for us.

Unfortunately, Nigeria scored their next penalty too. If they'd have missed it, we would have won, but Chloe was taking our next penalty so I had no doubts she wouldn't get it in. It's Chlo after all.

If chloe scored this, England were through to the quarter finals.

"Come on, Chlo." I whisper, mainly to myself.

Chloe takes her infamous leap and smashes the ball into the net. And when I say 'smashes it', I mean she smashes it.

The whole Bench runs onto the pitch to celebrate.

Everyone in the friends and family box jumps up and celebrates too.

I immediately turn to carol, hugging her, before hugging Mario, Gio and Luca.

Maisie and lottie were in their car seats asleep so I got carol to look after them whilst I walked over to G's parents to hug them. I had always been close to them too.

After the celebrations on the pitch had calmed down and the teams walked into the changing rooms, I grabbed both car seats and made my way to the changing rooms.


"What a match that was, huh?" I ask, as I approach less from behind and puts the girls on the floor.

"I know, baby. Them penalties were stressful." Less admits and hugs me

"I bet. It was stressful and I was only watching."

Less bends down and picks up Lottie from her car seat and rests her on her chest.

"Chlo, your penalty! It was incredible!" I say as I jump on her back. Chloe and me have always been close. Mainly due to playing for Man City together.

"Did you hear? It was harder than any premier league shot or penalty last season." She tells me, excitedly.

"Well done, Chlo." I hug her before turning my attention back to Alessia. "Are you okay, baby? You seemed to take a few tumbles today. Don't even get me started on that tackle. You scared me when you didn't get up." I tell less as I pick up Maisie.

"I'm fine, Livvy. I was just being clumsy." Less admits

"You always are, baby. My clumsy girl." I press a light kiss on her lips before smiling at her.

No one could stop them ~ A.Rजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें