truth & disaster at midway

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"6 months out of action. I've been stuck at base for 6 insufferable months!" Hakuryuus patience has been wearing extremely thin lately she was a warrior, not a housewife. Pacing back and forth in her room, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself what wasn't helping was that she always had nightmares it was still putting her in paranoia but the extended shore leave has allowed more sessions with akashi which has helped her change in some ways to become better with her emotions. Besides 2. Sighing to herself, she sat down and thought it was scary how, at this point, she feels like she knows certain parts of inside Belfast well enough to map it. "What does it take to stop these.." Resting back, looking up to the cieling, she noticed something."Who's th-MMM!" A cold hand would cover her mouth, and she felt wet like someone threw a wet towel at her doing her best to throw off her assaulter when she noticed a faded familiar tattered maid outfit. Belfast: "oh hakuryuu, you thought you could easily find a way out of this? How nieve you are"

A soft laughter filled the room as Belfast moved her hand down to where her heart was. Belfast: "I could just take this and end you. That would be your escape, then you will join me at the bottom. How does that sound. Don't worry. As part of the head of the maid core, I will make sure it's done properly. " Before anymore could be said, a series of gunshots rang making what was supposed to be Belfast to scream and hit the wall detransforming into who they actually were. A siren agent. The rigging and look made it obvious as a series of more gunshots rang out, causing them to flee using their flying ability. So, taken aback against this from a mixture of prior fear and coughing to get her breath, hakuryuu had to be helped up by her saviour. The individual in question was none other than ayanami who had come to check on her earlier.

Ayanami, who was understandably concerned for her friend, was shaking her, trying to get any words from her. Ayanami: "Hakuryuu! Hakuryuu! Snap out of it, can you hear me?!" Her voice was full of panic, worried she was too late. Groaning and struggling with words amongst her coughing, she gave a thumbs up "y-yeah I'm o-*coughs* ok thanks ayanami for your help." Finally catching her breath, she was helped to her feet "those sirens.. they're the cause of my nightmares it wasn't Belfast it was them the whole time using my failures against me. Ayanami, I owe you a debt." Nodding her head, the destroyer sat down, keeping a warey eye to where the siren left. Ayanami: "What do we do now?" Pondering on that question for some time, the carrier made up her plan "well with repair and upgrades completed as well as my nightmare issue sorted, we can reassemble the fleet and head south west. Speaking of which ayanami? Did you need something."

Briefly scowering through her memory, it clicked. Remembering what she needed to say, her face turned serious. Ayanami: "Yes, our main forces engaged azur Lane, but we were thrown back. Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, and Soryu are all badly wounded. Only you, Taihou, and carrier division 3 are our remaining fleet carriers." Slumping down in shock, she slowly let the reality of things sink in she was the biggest carrier in sakura empire, bigger than even shinano she would be the main target of eagle union and Royal navy aircraft carriers and submarines. Ayanami: "Hakuryuu? What do we do." The question hit her like a thunderbolt. [I'm the main target for them. Zuhikaku and Shokaku are both still on a mission against dragon empery. They're looking to me for guidance. I can't let them down, not again.] With grim resolve, she would grip her katana hilt tight determination and warrior spirit burning bright in her eyes.

"The only thing we can do Ayanami. We'll sail straight into the jaws of the enemy and throw them back for the glory of Sakura Empire and our ancestors." Standing tall on her feet, she would look over at her. "Assemble the fleet, we sail to guadalcanal and cut the head off the snake. We can't allow them to gain a foothold. " Walking out her house, she strode towards the docks and her ship with fire blazing in her eyes. "I won't allow them to succeed mother put your faith in your child." Whispering the phrase over and over again, she knew the consequences that are likely to follow if this goes wrong not just for her but the whole empire her friends and family this can't happen she won't allow it to if its thr last thing she does. The sirens and their kanaving puppet can wait. Striding up to the port, she saw her ship in all it's glory.

sakura empires unfinished monster  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon