Hakuryuu's Introduction Part 2

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By now everyone from sakura empire including a couple iron blood in the form of prinz eugen and her escort of destroyers were also present. Enjoying the spectacle below them caused prinz eugen to give her signiture smirk with her finger over her lip. Prinz eugen: my my isn't this exciting. Scoffing at this response Z-31 rolled her eyes. Z-31: how can you find any of this exciting, everything is so relaxed and giggly it doesn't make any sense to me. Upon hearing this prinz eugen couldn't hell but laugh a little. Prinz eugen: aw Z-31 you should relax a little. Keep that up and you might blow a fuse. Rocking into a full on laugh, a tick mark appeared on her head. Z-31: BAKA YOU IDIOT STOP LAUGHING AT ME! After a while of this, it finally came to an end with nagato making an apparence. At this time. Prinz eugen had finally stopped laughing. As for Z-31. She was grumbling and giving evil eyes to the heavy cruiser. Tapping the microphone nagato looked forwards before addressing the crowd. Nagato: I thank you all for coming on such short notice. First of all I'd like to thank carrier division 1 for their astonishing feet of crippling the main azur lane fleet. Ayanami i also would like to personally congratulate you for your superb actions in reconnaissance of the enemy base giving us vital information for the success of carrier division 1 mission. Taking a pause from her speech allowed everyone to clap and congratulate the carriers and destroyer.

After the applause had died down, nagato continued her speech. Nagato: further success was gained by carrier division 3 on their attack on carrier hornets task force and caused a great deal of damage before having to retreat from azur lane reinforcements. More applause filled the air. Tone: good job zuhikaku you've improved greatly, you as well shokaku. Smiling to her sparing partner zuhikaku nodded her head. Nagato: for supporting carrier division 3 I also would like to extend my gratitude to prinz eugen and her task for. Looking up at prinz eugen, nagato looked long enough to get a wave from the heavy cruiser who went back to teasing one of her destroyers. Nagato: I have an important announcement to make. After hearing this, everyone including  the ironblood fleet focused their attention onto the battleship. Nagato: a new ship will be joining our fleet. Interest suddenly spiked as some of the younger destroyers leaned forwards in their seat. Eager to see the new kassan that'll be joining them. Nagato: before I introduce her, I would like to go over her achievements so far. On her first mission, she alone has severely crippled the Royal navy's main fleet and has sunk Hms Belfast. Murmers and whispers broke out within the crowd as all were curious at who this new ship was and her class. Zuhikaku started a debate with her sister on what the ship could be. Zuhikaku: being able to do that they have to be a heavily armed battleship or maybe a heavy cruiser?

Shokaku was at a loss of hearing this, so much so that she didn't hear her sisters suggestions. It was only when she got tapped by her sister did she respond. Jumping at the touch she quickly looked at her sister which showed a confused expression. Shokaku: huh? Oh uh maybe I'm not sure zuhikaku. Unsure on what to say zuhikaku decided to bring this up at a later date. However, while most contemplated wrongly, the first carrier division seemed to end up being right. Kaga took notice to her sisters smirk on her face. Kaga: (seems that sister akagi was right, I don't see how they can think that she's a battleship or heavy cruiser, against 2 battleships, a battlecruiser and 3 light cruisers, no offense to lady yamato and musashi but I think either of them might struggle against a force of that compliment and size) during her chain of thought, it was soon broken by nagato speaking up once again. Nagato: I can tell your all thinking about what type of ship she is, so I won't let you wait much longer as I have gathered you all to introduce her to you all. Now without any further delay, you can come out now.

Within moments of nagato's permission, an overly large katana landed on the stage breaking through the wood due to the weight of it before resting in the ground with most of the katana blade still visible due to it's size. Both takoa and zuhikaku was already amazed due to their fondness to get in close with a katana. But what shocked them was not the katana but the size and weight of it. However, their amazement would only be soured on when the crack of wood was heard, breaking the fall of a kassan with dust going up but everyone could still see the outline of the ship girl. Having waited for the dust cloud to disapate, mixed reactions were gained. Some of the destroyers were a bit scared due to the next kassan, the first carrier division looked on with a mix of curiosity to know them. While zuhikaku looked her up and down trying to read the personality. Akagi: (her rigging is interesting, I haven't seen a carrier with cannons underneath their flight deck before, it looks a lot like ironblood rigging similar to graf zeppelin I wonder if they had anything to do with her design) back on stage hakuryuu pulled her sword out and let it rest on her shoulder as she grinned. Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to finally meet you all. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm aircraft carrier hakuryuu my compliment is 100 planes and I like to practice sword or dancing in my free time. It'll be an honor to fight alongside you in this war. I hope we can all get along and become friends. Thank you lady nagato for introducing me to everyone.

Giving a gestured nod to her, nagato picked up the microphone again to speak. Nagato: now does anyone have any questions for hakuryuu. Quite a few hands were raised in response to her question. Deciding to give hakuryuu the chance, she handed the microphone to her and took her leave. Alright uh you in the front. Pointing at Mikazuki made the little destroyer seize up a bit out of fright. Mikazuki: u-uh are y-you nice miss h-hakuryuu. Feeling a bit bad, she stuck her sword bsck into the stage before jumping down and approached the young destroyer. Kneeling down she pulled her into a gentle hug. Of course I am, sorry if I scared you, I might have gotten a bit excited in meeting you all. Here how about this to make it up to you. Putting her hand into her back pocket she handed her a couple of sweets. Share with your friends. Jumping back up to the stage, she took the mic again. Now then. Elder Akagi am I right? What's your question. Giving her usual half smirked smile that she gave everyone, the 8 tailed fox carrier took a step forwards. Akagi: your rigging, it's similar to iron blood carriers, by any chance did they help on your design. Oh my rigging. No they didn't help in my design as far as I'm aware of but lady nagato informed me that my rigging was inspired by ironblood carrier rigging just with a twist from nagato herself. Satisfied with the answer she received akagi turned to leave.

Akagi: it was nice meeting you hakuryuu it'll be fascinating to see what your capable of. I bid you fair well now, let us take our leave kaga. Leaving the area, kaga followed behind her sister. (huh, I guess they might be busy oh well but she gives me calm foreboding vibes) turning her attention back to the crowd she picked out takao next. Takao: your katana is much larger than a conventional katana, why is that. I was built stronger than anticipated and I kept loosing my grip with the smaller one due to my speed and risk of hurting my instructors too much so I went with this longer one so I swing my katana a lot less faster now but still a respectable speed and it matches my style of semi close to mid range fighting style. Understanding where she was coming from she also figured that she had just found another sparing partner to face against besides zuhikaku now.  After a full half an hour of answering questions, the crowd disappeared to go back to what they originally were doing before being called to the center. Man that was exhausting answering so many questions but it was worth it, I can now walk about freely and finally get to know people. Though I should probably go talk to lady nagato to find out what I'll be doing. Deciding to get in some practice, she picked up her katana and clipped it to her waist before jumping on the rooftops rushing along as she made her way to nagato.

While hakuryuu made her way to nagato, first carrier division was talking amongst themselves. Akagi: hakuryuu, she is an interesting one I'll give her that. I just hope she doesn't get in the way. It'll be very hard to get rid of her otherwise. A bit unnerved by this kaga did the unthinkable. Kaga: sister akagi, is it alright if we stop talking about her in that way, surely she'll be too busy on missions or getting to know everyone. By then surely it'll be complete. Suddenly coming to a stop akagi paused before turning around with her usual expression. Akagi: of course, your right. Going behind her, akagi massaged her shoulders. Akagi: your all tense kaga, is there something your not telling me? Or is it that you haven't been taking good care of yourself. Tensing up a bit kaga thought of the quickest answer. Kaga: no of course not sister akagi, I would never hide anything from you, I guess I'm just a bit stressed on someone finding out about. A finger was placed to her lips. Akagi: don't worry, nobody will and if they do we'll deal with them appropriately.

(authors notes: alright that's it for this chapter, hope you all had fun with this, let me know what you think so far in the comments if you want and enjoy the rest of your day/night)

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