Ironblood Encounter & Meeting Agano

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While walking down the cobbled street hakuryuu got focused on her immideate goals for the day "today I'll finally get the last two members of my team rounded up. I still got a day or 2 before my ship is repaired fully and restocked so that won't be an issue. Question is what to during that time... Training? It's always going to be important that all of us can work together well and know each others strengths and weaknesses.. Or prehaps I need to gain the respect of the new ones? I can't have things being questioned at crucial moments in time" she was saying this all in her mind but remaining focused on where she was going. Scanning the area with her eyes she huffed a bit having no luck so far spotting either cruisers. With nothing else but to keep looking she continued to persue her quest on finding those illusive cruisers. Deciding to look elsewhere she unexpectedly came across someone she wasn't expecting to come across.

That person would end up being prinz eugen. Spotting the ironblood cruiser resting in a tree her curiosity got the better of her and she stared a bit too long which let eugen herself spot the carrier watching her, smirking playfully she would hop down making her way over to hakuryuu. Prinz eugen: "my my what do we have here~" coming up close she leaned forward getting a better look. Prinz eugen: "aren't you being a naughty girl staring~ could it be that I have caught your attention" with her usual soft playful view she patiently waited for an answer. Baffled and a bit embarrassed hakuryuu turned her head away a bit. "u-uh a bit my deepest apologies I didn't mean to stare miss?" covering her mouth and giggling a bit eugen gestured her to sit. Not seeing much alternative to the situation she's obliged and sat. Sitting besides her the heavy cruiser rested her hand on hakuryuu's back gaining a slight "eep" and a small spring from the sudden movement causing them to chuckle. Prinz eugen: "well aren't you just a cute little thing I could just gobble you all up~ my names prinz eugen admiral hipper class heavy cruiser at your service"

The cruiser now refered to as prinz eugen was a soft spoken but a teaser from what hakuryuu could pick up about this woman. "well uh it's more just new people in general miss eugen. Your the first one from Ironblood that I've met also uh c-could you stop doing that with your hand it's ticklish" doing her best not to laugh greatly amused prinz as she moved her hand away. Prinz eugen: "well that certainly is an interesting development how about w-" before the cruiser could finish her sentence another Ironblood ship came around the corner. Z-23: "miss there you are! We've been looking all over for you we need you for important matters and it is improper of you to run off while we discuss business!" for a destroyer they were rather vocal and passive aggressive with their wording and style of speaking. With her usual playful smirk eugen would stand up. Prinz eugen:" I'm afraid this'll have to wait I'll see you another time hakuryuu" with that the cruiser went over to the shouting destroyer. What she could assume from the sudden posture change of the new arrival was that prinz was wiling them up as they left.

"well that was.. interesting?"  confused at what just happened she decided to shrug it off for now as more important matters such as finding those cruisers remained fresh in her mind. Looking all over the base from the dock to the beach and cafeteria hakuryuu finally would have a stroke of luck spying Agano heading into the bath house. "there she is! About time I finally found one of them" practically screaming this in her mind she strode forwards towards the bath house, it would then dawn on her that this was the first time she had been in the bath house making her freeze in place. "right... I haven't been here yet as I usually bathe privately oh well I need to talk to Agano, and if I need to do it in the bath house while bathing so be it!" smirking confidently she stepped inside to the changing room. Looking around her eagle eye spotted the cruiser changing rather quickly, slowly navigating past everyone she made it over and tapped the light cruisers shoulder making her jump before spinning around to see who it was. Upon noticing who it was the light cruiser smiled softly.

Agano: "well hello hakuryuu I was wondering when you'd turn up want to join me?" nodding her head she began taking her own clothes off and the giant katana making sure not to hit anybody due to the blade edge being razor sharp; setting it down somewhere safe out the way of people she resumed until she was fully naked only to then end up being dragged in by Agano who herself had already gotten undressed. "whoa! Agano slow down" she was walking at a brisk pace almost a jog to keep up with the energetic cruiser and not to fall over. Managing to stop at the last moment she got her hand free making Agano fall into a deeper part of a spa pool where she rapidly breach her head out the water. Having dealt with that hakuryuu sat down on a step in the hot steaming water resting her back against the wall as she let the warmth take hold of her body. "so Agano mind if I ask you a few things?" she looked at the cruiser who had got herself comfortable and scrubbing her body with a cloth and soap.

Agano: "of course what do you want to know?" thinking of things to ask while cleaning her body up she looked at Agano before asking. "how do you feel about me being your new task force leader, what you are like and what do you think of me?" the questions weren't surprising to Agano as she could tell some of these were coming. Clicking her tongue the light cruiser already knew what to say. Agano: "well first of all I'm excited to join your task force hakuryuu I heard you've been rather strict but fair and I'm glad to see you care, as for what I'm like I'm a baker in my freetime, a mediator between arguments and a carer for the young destroyers. Your third question. Hmm that is a hard one in one sense your intimidating as you always seem so serious when you walk and look around, you have a strong commanding aura about you but talking to you and the others I know your a soft hearted kind individual which pushes your team because you want them to have a better chance. You saved hiei on your own accord and risked nagato's wrath so I say your good in my books. Is that what you wanted to know?"

Having gotten her body clean she took the time relaxing." well it's nice to hear your honest opinion of me. Well if you want to ask me anything feel free to Agano it's only fair as I've questioned you" leaning forwards with a playful smirk she leaned in. Agano: "can I see the scar? Under the eyepatch" hearing the question hakuryuu's mood changed a bit and she shook her head. "that's off the table Agano let's talk of something else. No buts understood?" seeing this would probably not get her far besides possibly annoying her superior if she were to continue this chain of questioning she relented... for now. As the two got comfortable they would engage in some small talk here and there during their bathe and getting changed back into their clothes before bidding fairwell to one another. Watching the light cruiser run off she was wondering what to do next until she remembered she had to meet akagi. The name filling her soul with anger as she couldn't forgive her traitous actions. With the anger still burning strong she took her leave from the bath house to the house of the snake.

(hey everyone this does it for the chapter I hope you all enjoyed it let me know what you thought and I'll catch you all later. Cya)

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