Preperation And Discovery

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While tone and hakuryuu debated and talked about finer details of plan the other 3 would play and run about on the flight deck or spending time in the planes. Tone being a much older warship with the experience of her old admiral before the time of her awakening was calling upon all of the expierence and memories to help hakuryuu plan. Tone: "from memory I can recall the place we're most likely to encounter them would be the coral sea either in the south of guadalcanal or east near the new heberties islands for a general location" using a pencil she would draw 2 large circles on the map marking two parts of the coral sea where they could most likely find the carrier(s). Nodding and listening hakuryuu took in everything tone had to say writing notes a fact tone appreciated knowing she was willing to listen and take advice an important skill she saw in a leader. As the two debated it was becoming dark and the two decided to call it a night. Stretching as she stood up she turned her attention to the heavy cruiser. "let's call it a night for now tone thank you for all the advice and insight you gave me I shall make sure to put it to good use" bowing in respect she would bid her goodnight before taking her leave.

Smiling softly tone also got up and followed soon after walking down the catwalk to the flight deck letting her thoughts occupy her. Tone: "hakuryuu is a strong leader willing to learn from others she'll be a great leader at this point however..." pausing in her chain of thought she looked out to sea "I worry who we will encounter and if we will end up with a similar situation to the past" as she left she looked at ryujo sighing as, she remembered what happened and how she couldn't save her from carrier strikes from Saratoga and Enterprise. Returning to her ship after a small time reflecting on the past herself tone returned to her ship wondering what her admiral would say in a time like this what she'd give just to get his advice and his thoughts on this operation. Tone: "Rear Admiral Chuichi Hara I won't fail you this time.." gripping her hand into a fist she would then salute to her former commanding admiral and left to rest for the night.

Within the next few days of traveling the task force used the time wisely ryujo and hakuryuu were training in intensive air strikes and CAP (combat air patrol) with their fighters using each other in dogfights in order to defeat escorting fighters even using VAL dive bombers and B5N torpdoe bombers with the zeros to simulate a escorted combined air attack. Compared to the carriers Tone, Kagero and yukikaze were practicing their AA skills firing their guns at diving VAL and low flying B5Ns using shell dye to distinguish the fire and aim. Initially it wasn't the best but it gradually improved on day 4 tone was able to shoot down 15 aircraft, Kagero had 7 and yukikaze 4. Having their supper allowed both hakuryuu and ryujo replenish their planes so they were at full strength, evasive manovouers and spotting was the last thing they practiced on the last day before entering the coral sea area of operation. The mood was tense on board for some Kagero and yukikaze had a confident but still nervousness around them, tone was fearful of a repeat while hakuryuu was confident her eyes having a fire wanting to bring back the kansen that sent out the distress call if its the last thing she does.

150 nautical miles north west of savo island hakuryuu and her task force was cruising towards the island tone was preparing her float planes while 10 reppu fighters were flying off the deck of hakuryuu 2 of them being launched off her catapults while 6 zeros flew off the deck of ryujo for CAP above the task force. "tone are you ready to launch?" turning her attention to the heavy cruiser she saw tone nodding the 4 gloat planes launching off of the catapults one head to the last known location, on traveling south, south east and south west in an attempt to fund any eagle union task force responsible for the attack. As well as this msvis bombers from the shortland islands had been launched to boost the patrols. Now they had the hard part, waiting...

12:34: no reports

12:50:  jake No. 6 reported they're in the location of the coordinates sent so far nothing.

For tone she was focusing on what her float planes could see. Focusing she found an oil slick deciding to follow it hoping it'll lead her to the person who sent it. Almost still she kept her eyes closed. Tone: "come on little jake" she whispered to herself and looked the anticipation growing. Eventually she'd be lead to guadalcanal where a torn up battleship could be seen beached 3 torpedo holes could be seen on the port side and the deck was in ruins from bombs the A turret knocked out. It didn't take her long to see who it was. Tone: "! HIEI!" gasping at the sight of her her plane circled looking to see if she was present unfortunately she was not making her mind race to what happened it had been a week since the attack anything could of happened was she captured, hiding. So many questions would race in her mind.

Tone: "I need to tell hakuryuu" almost scrambling to her feet she would rush out to her bridge and radios it in almost as quick her other jake would signal in. Tone: "huh?" checking she would briefly see Lexington and Saratoga protected by heavy cruisers Houston, pensacola, light cruisers San Diego, San Juan, phoenix and destroyers fletcher, Nicholas and Bache not to long after her plane would be shot down by a F4F Wildcat on patrol. Cursing her luck she was grateful to at least know of the strike force compliment and of their location. Firing up her radio she would signal hakuryuu. Tone: "hakuryuu I found the enemy fleet and the distress signal it's hiei but she's nowhere in sight only her beached ship which is badly damaged I'm coming aboard" having radioed in she made her way over to the flagship unfortunately for them they had just stopped to refuel by a tanker in the area.

When hakuryuu heard this she turned her attention abruptly to tone "meet me on my bridge ASAP all of you" having said what she needed she made her way to the bridge she was soon greeted by the members of her squadron. Yukikaze was the most energetic wanting to rush out and meet them in battle, Kagero on the other hand was a bit more timid to engage but still confident of victory. However, compared to the destroyers tone, ryujo and hakuryuu were wanting to not engage up close from expierence. Yukikaze: "don't worry hakuryuu I the great yukikaze with the help of all of you will swiftly defeat them they will have no chance!" bubbly as ever tone smiled and shook her head choosing a more conservative approach. Tone: "as much as I'm certain of that prehaps we should look at the bigger picture" chipping in ryujo also said what was on her mind. Ryujo: "I have to agree with Tone yukikaze after all we don't know what we're facing" a small pout would be heard from the destroyer but decided best to listen. Ryujo: "do we know the enemies we are currently facing?" turning her attention to the main two tone responded with a nod.

Tone: "from what I saw we are facing another carrier group we're dealing with the sisters Lexington and Saratoga along with heavy escorts. Houston, pensacola, San Diego, San Juan, phoenix, fletcher, Nicholas and Bache are with them so we're looking at 120 combined planes amongst heavy AA fire" as tone marked the location hakuryuu took the time to think. "between us ryujo we have 148 planes with 12 spares we can send 2 airstrikes and hope we don't loose too many or we'll need to pull out to Rabaul island anything else we need to know tone"

(and that does it for this chapter sorry to leave you lot on a cliff hangar hope your looking forward to the battle and I shall catch you all next time)

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