Blossoming Love

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6 months ago at Sakura Empire Homeland.

Hakuryuu was returning to dry dock. The torpedo damage sustained was still a big issue as the holes were just patched and a freak storm had tore open some of the old wounds. With ropes thrown to secure her, akashi alongside many shipyard workers began to survey the damage as the carrier walked down the gang plank being greeted by Zuhikaku. "Zuhikaku, what a surprise to see you." Clinging onto the railing she had been worn down a bit from the trip thanks in most part due to her hull ripping open in places forcing her to stay awake to monitor it regularly. Noticing their strain, they would prop them up gaining gratitude of thanks. Zuhikaku: "When I heard you were coming I wanted to come and great you." Smirking playfully while they walked Hakuryuu would sit down, their one good eye looked solely at the other carrier, causing her heart to flutter. Doing their best to keep it hidden from them, Zuhikaku would think quickly on what to say in order to give them the slip but didn't get far before her counterpart tapped the ground with her katana gaining their attention. "Even though I am a bit tired I want to spar I heard from Takao you were a good opponent. Do you want to face me?"

Surprised to know Takao recommended her was a revilation to them. Unbeknownst to Hakuryuu, the elder carrier had formed a sort of fan girl nature towards them leaving her jumping with joy in her mind. Zuhikaku: [aah! Is this really happening?! My idol asked me to duel! This is the best day ever] "Of course, I'd love to spar you Hakuryuu but I don't go easy." Beaming with confidence, she readily accepted the offer. Getting to her feet, Hakuryuu would go to the training zone entering a stone circle before drawing the massive katana she wielded, making the other stare in disbelief while looking at her own. Zuhikaku: [Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas] Drawing her katana, she darted at her opponent with a firm grip over their handle. Bringing the blade down with the force of a meteor Hakuryuu brought her own up to block the incoming blow, causing a loud clang of metal to reverberate across the training zone. Stepping forwards she would force the elder carrier back. the remarkable speed she could swing pushed Zuhikaku back as she was forced onto the defensive. Sparks and metal would fly off each others grinding blades.

Pushing forwards with determination, she slashed rapidly, driving her opponent back before forcing them forwards delivering a nasty hook to the side causing the elder to stumble. Quickly gathering her balance back, Zuhikaku went on the offensive striking hard with slashes that could cut through the air. Making use of her agility they tried to overwhelm Hakuryuu, gaining some success by using the length of the blade against them almost slashing her face. With both the katanas colliding it became a question of strength both digging in and pushing with all their might. Angling her blade Hakuryuu forced Zuhikaku to the side and tripped her bringing the blade down. If it wasn't for the quick reflexes of the elder carrier rolling away just in time she could of been knocked out then and there. Scrambling to their feet the duel would proceed in a flury of blows. Both sides were eager to prove their worth to one and another. It even got to the point Zuhikaku used her special attack causing the blade to turn red. If it wasn't for the good posture and core strength of Hakuryuu when the attack collided she could of been thrown off her feet.

Eventually, the endurance of the elder carrier proved decisive in first disarming them and delivering the final blow with the blade to their neck. Both breathing heavily Zuhikaku pushed the flat side of her blade against the skin. Zuhikaku: "Surrender." Unable to get much more words out due to being tired they waited for the answer of her opponent. "H-heh.. I surrender." Removing the blade from her opponents neck Zuhikaku would help them up again where both would vacate over to the bench under the shade in order to catch their breath back. After a few minutes had past having taken in much needed fluids, Hakuryuu would turn towards the eldar carrier using their katana blade to aid in pivoting herself. "You fought valiantly Zuhikaku. The Sakura Empire is lucky to have you on our side." Nodding while looking back; the eldar carrier was practically swimming in Escasty. Not only was she complimented by her idol she got one of the best sparring fights she had outside of fighting Takoa. Zuhikaku: "You were also a brilliant fighter Hakuryuu if it wasn't for my endurance, I would have lost that." With her stomach growling, she sheepishly grabbed her stomach embarrassed.

Giggling a bit, Hakuryuu would look over at them with a playful smile. "How about we go get lunch then? My treat." Standing to her feet, she would move off guiding the eldar carrier to the canteen. As they sat and ate Zuhikaku couldn't help but watch her with close attention. Slowly daydreaming about them she hadn't noticed Hakuryuu smiling as she ate already, knowing they were staring but didn't bring it up. Zuhikaku: [danmit. Why is she so cool! Her clothes and eye patch is awesome. She's a great fighter and already has more achievements than me. I'm so jealous. I wish she would notice me more.] Thinking more about her to the point when her sister showed up calling her name did it take her by surprise that she jumped to her feet and stared. Shokaku: "Oh my Zuhikaku are you ok sister? You looked rather startled." Covering her mouth giggling a little made them sit right back down even more embarrassed than before. "Cute" finishing her food she paid for both and looked over at the sisters. "I see you two have something to do. Thank you for the time today come visit me anytime you like." Taking her leave she couldn't help but grin [Zuhikaku your a cute one let's see how we go]

Over the next 5 months Hakuryuu and Zuhikaku began to become pretty close to the point Shokaku knew anytime her sister said she'd be busy it meant she was going to visit Hakuryuu which had become a bit of a obsession for them. Happy her sister had found someone even though she adamantly admits that it's nothing more than friends. Shokaku could see the writing all across her sisters face. Zuhikaku: "Aw, come on hakuryuu show me please? I wanna know your secret." Sighing in defeat, she looked over at her with a serious expression. "If I show you you won't see me any differently and won't tell anyone right?" Looking confused but none the less eager to know she nodded. Zuhikaku: "I promise." Findlku deciding to give in after 3 months of being asked Hakuryuu would move her dress out the way. What Zuhikaku saw made her nose bleed and turn bright red.

(And that's that for this chapter. Now I'm going to call it here for this chapter. Catch you all next time guys and gals have a good dsy/night and thanks for reading.)

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