First Enemy Attack

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10 minutes was the time it took for tone to finally stop scolding the carrier on her behavior of scaring her teammates despite her just walking down the steps. Hakuryuu was sulking in the corner with ryujo trying to cheer her up. Ryujo: (she is a big softy on the inside for sure, like a kid being told off by a parent) patting the carriers back she pulled out a couple of sweets. Ryujo: would this make you feel better hakuryuu? Instantly spotting the sweets and thst most were her favorite she quickly snatched them away leaving them in her kimono before giving the light carrier a bear hug much to the dismay of ryujo. THANK YOU SO MUCH THESE ARE MY FAVORITE! Struggling to breathe she resorted to tapping her shoulder. Getting the idea she let go making ryujo gasp for air to regain the oxygen back into her lungs. Ryujo: your like.. Atago when it comes to hugs. Her panting stopped as she stood up, both tone and the destroyer sisters were worried now about hugging hakuryuu as all remember their expierence with atago and her monster hugs. Summoning her ship all 4 girls were in shock at the size of her carrier due to her ship being larger than shinano by 34 meters. Confused by their shock expression she tilted her head. What's the matter? You 3 look so surprised.

Kagero spoke up having recovered from the shock. Kagero: your ships it's larger than lady shinano!? What do you mean surprised? Your ship is so awesome. Smiling at the compliment she gestured her head to the gangplank. Well then why don't you hop aboard then and take a look around. Stammering with excitement both destroyers rushed aboard to look around. Sighing to herself tone walked aboard to go find them. Blinking a few seconds she looked over at ryujo confused on why tone was suddenly not in the mood. Noticing the fleet carrier looking at her she snapped into reality just having remembered her question. Ryujo: huh? Oh don't mind tone hakuryuu she's just making sure they don't cause trouble. Ohhh! That makes more sense now. Well let's go. Rushing aboard ryujo smiled and laughed her energy off as she proceeded up the gang plank and shutting the heavy steel door behind her. Loud metallic clicks resinated through the corridor with the door mechanism locking tight to make a air tight seal.

Humming with satisfaction that it was safe, she found herself wondering the labyrinth of corridors and rooms present in the ship. Ryujo: (it only now just occurs to me just how many rooms are present in a fleet carrier kansen. I have a lot less compartments compared to hakuryuu but it guess that's understandable her ship is 300m long afterall) hearing the roar of the boilers firing up she could only guess that they were on their way to wherever their destination is. After what felt like hours, ryujo made her way up to the hanger via the use of ladders. Panting with exhaustion, she leaned against the wall before slowly sliding down it feeling relief to her aching legs once her behind touched the floor of hanger deck. Ryujo: t-this place is... t-too big to walk a-around for long... periods of..t-time. Being able to at least take a breather for a couple minutes she quickly caught onto examining her aircraft carried. All top of the line models. Ryujo: no zeros, vals or kates. She must be carrying better planes now most likely due to her size I'm going to guess. At last catching her breath, the light carrier got up wondering the hanger deck but at the same time, studying the planes closely. Ryujo: (these planes are defineatly bigger than mine, I wonder what they can do. Probably should ask hakuryuu) as she made her way to the flight deck, she saw both of the destroyers gawking at the dive/torpedo bombers being under supervision of the heavy cruiser.

Ryujo: (if tone isn't careful some might mistake her being a mother figure to those two) giggling at the thought, she used the aft elivator to bring her to the flight deck, a loud clank breached the silence announcing her stop has arrived. Surprised at the speed of the heavy elivator, all she could do was shake off the surprise. Without having to look far, she quickly spotted hakuryuu looking out to sea at the front of her flight deck with her hair down allowing it to flow freely in the sea breeze. A devious smirk crossed the light carriers face as she sneaked up quietly on hakuryuu before tickling her.! Jumping from the shock she almost instantly started laughing. Ah s-stawp! HAHAHAHAHA r-ryujo! I give in I give in! Falling to the floor she kept laughing as the tickling continued. Stop I'm t-too ticklish. Smiling at this ryujo ceased her tickle onslaught allowing her to catch her breath back hsving expended it all on laughing. Ryujo: (she really is different compared to the others especially first carrier division, I feel like I can be best friends with her without risk of being used as bait again) sorry hakuryuu but I had to it was too good of an opportunity to miss. Giving the light carrier a scolding look.

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