Getting To Know 3rd Carrier Division

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Striding forward with each step, a soft clanking sound of her shoes echoed on the wooden floorboards when she came up towards the two carriers, shokaku instantly took notice of her approaching. Finishing her mouthful of rice before speaking; She took the opportunity to speak as her sister hasn't taken notice of the approaching woman due to her fixation on her food. Shokaku: good afternoon hakuryuu, it's good to see you. Coming to a halt hakuryuu nodded happily. It is good to see you as well elder shokaku & zuhikaku may I join you for lunch on this perfect afternoon?

Giggling playfully shokaku nodded her head in agreement gesturing for them to sit, with a slight bow of respect for allowing her to join hakuryuu sat down on the right side with her elders on either end of her, only then did zuhikaku take notice. Trailing a finger through her hair she took a brief eye skim to see who it was all due to her still being somewhat new it took the samurai carrier a few seconds to discover who it was. Zuhikaku: good afternoon hakuryuu we all heard the report of what you were able to accomplish keep up the good work, in these times we need competent fighters if we're going to defeat azur lane. The words were unexpected to say the very least, as hakuryuu took in what her peer said it brought a smile to her face. I appreciate the kind words elder zuhikaku I'll make sure not to dissapointed.

With the words trailing from her mouth her mind had a small open door to worry that they would find out she helped save their enemy from the mass produced siren models however, she didn't really care about sinking those ones as it goes against her code of honour. Seeming to zone out it was only the tap on the head from shokaku which snapped her back into reality. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she looked at shokaku who had tapped her with her chopsticks to refocus her attention. Shokaku: I apologise for that I didn't mean to cause that affect you started zoning out when I was trying to ask you something. Is everything alright you seem a rather bit tense?

Oh I'm alright elder shokaku sorry I have just been thinking about everything you know. Being somewhat new and finally able to explore and interact with the others freely without worry. Most what she said was sincere as it was true that only recently was she "set free" of her bonds of secrecy. Taking it at face value and nodding she gave hakuryuu a soft smile. Speaking calmly with an understand yet caring voice she rested her hand on her shoulder. Shokaku: I understand I know it's all new and can be a bit overwhelming but if you need any help you can always turn to me or my sister. Right zuhikaku? Gaining the attention of the other carrier she nodded with a smile it was no secret that the bond between the sisters were close even hakuryuu who only recently met the siblings a few times could see the strong bond they had which she admired about the two.

With curiosity nipping at her she couldn't help but ask a question just in time fir her sushi to be delivered which she gracefully thanked the light cruiser who gave her it. Taking a deep breath she looked at shokaku. Hey shokaku can I ask how would you best co-ordinate with another carrier. Ryujo is my partner when it comes to carriers and how best to work fit combined tactics. As she started eating she awaited the carriers response to her question which she didn't have to wait long for. Clearing her throat shokaku shifted her position a bit and looked at her making sure she had her eyes on hakuryuu before she began to speak. Shokaku: well the best advice I can tell you is work with your partners strengths and compensate their weaknesses and they can do the same for you. For instance, I support zuhikaku while she goes into close combat. In your case ryujo could help you as a boost to your own force or strike seperate targets for you while you go after the primary target. But I suggest you two talk it out and practice.

Taking a moment to think it through she eventually nodded in agreement. Thank you for your insight elder I will take this lesson to heart and practice with her later on today so we can better support each other. With a look of determination that garnered a smile from both girls to see her commitment towards her friends and working well as a team, zuhikaku couldn't help but see a familiar drive of herself in the carrier. While both were sastified with her response they would then go onto talk about causal things and what they did alongside reccomendations on who to speak to. without the 3 having realising it they had already been talking with each other for over an hour already it was only thanks to hakuryuu glancing at the clock did she notice. Upon realising a slight surprised expression plastered itself in her face. It's already been an hour? Time does fly when your having fun; I'll be returning to my team now thank you for the pleasent chat elders. With her usual small bow of respect she left the two be. Finishing off her bowl shokaku turned her gaze to her sister. Shokaku: well that was rather fun to catch up and get to know her properly wouldn't you agree zuhikaku? Her usual smile she flashed to her sister always left a strong impact on her as she was one of the few lights in her life and would do whatever it took to protect her. Zuhikaku: I agree sister she is an interesting one but also a strong fighter, its not sur... Her speech was stopped midway by a boop to her nose from shokaku which utterly confused her making her blink a few times only for the latter to start laughing.

Meanwhile this took place hakuryuu was to herself walking along the paths with destroyers running around her, the place that they called home was beautiful but instead her focus wasn't on the beauty but more zuhikaku, during those talks she found herself admiring the carrier for her determination, skill and love for her sister in their strong bond. Sighing she would shake off the feeling. Come on hakuryuu get your mind in place. Almost if on cue she would come across ryujo, spying her playing with some of the other light carriers such as the sisters shoho and zuiho. Making her way over quietly she would catch ryujo by surprise lifting her up onto her shoulderd gaining a yelp from her. Chuckling a little bit she would pat her head gently to reassure her. Don't worry ryujo it's just me hakuryuu I saw you playing and couldn't help but play my own little game. The stunned look on the light carrier soon passed as she shook her head. Hakuryuu don't every do that again do you know how startling that was.

Messing up the fleet carriers hair as payback she could see her partner raise her hands in defeat. Ok I surrender you can stop now. Setting her down gently she flashed a smile to her before getting serious a look which took ryujo aback, the other light carriers ended up with zuiho taking a step back out of reflex and shoho to nervously stand her ground all be it shaking a little.

(sure has been a while since a last updated this oh well I hope you lot enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you all another time cya everyone)

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