Sub Attack

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Everything was a mess yukikaze had radioed in that she had found Hiei but she's out for a while so was Ryujo. Herself and Tone were damaged with only Yukikaze & Kagero unhurt leaving 80% of her forces out of actions. Prehaps she should consider this as a humbling expierence beforehand she was on her own or not at risk of being counter attacked. Sitting at her bridge with saki in hand she slowly sipped it her mind reflecting on her injury and what happened to her friends. "a cost paid high but in return we saved one of our own" finishing the small bowl of saki she was grateful to know at least everyone is recovering and they are leaving the area. Unknown to them Gato was stalking them her firing solution wasn't the best being behind them for the time being she would follow waiting for someone to slow down. By 18:00 she finally found her mark. Gato: "Hehe finally" lining up and getting a firing solution she flooded all 6 forward torpedo tubes and fired a spread with a 2 degree spread at a range of 500m before diving having closed her tubes and lowered her perescope.

Coming up on them Kagero spotted them and frantically called on the radio. Kagero: "Hakuryuu! Torpdoes racing towards you port side!" hearing the frantic calls of Kagero she immideatly dropped her bowl and turned hard to starboard but due to the range 3 torpdoes out of the six collides with her all 3 detonating and flooding her hull with seawater making her list heavy, brought to a crawl she was only making a mere 8 knots once she contained it having to flood multiple parts of her starboard side the specially designed compartments and the torpdoe bulge were all flooded stopping her from rolling over. This was turning out to be a terrible day first the bomb hits and her friends hurt now 3 torpdoe hits from a submarine. "Kagero f-find that submarine!" she would then pass out her ship still travelling at 8 knots in the general direction until all power cut out and she came to a slow halt thankfully her flooding was under control. Going ahead yukikaze would attach a steel towing wire and pulled her along by 3 knots Kagero on the other hand rushed ahead dropping depth charges forcing Gato to go deeper.

It was only when Kagero ran out of depth charges some 45 minutes later did she break off having ran out of depth charges but her heart sank she couldn't confirm if the sub was destroyed but without any means to attack them she went flank speed to catch up with the fleet. Everything has gone so wrong with this mission to her eyes reciting a similar chain of thought hakuryuu had earlier it's clear to the group today has been a dark day and it will be a while for everyone to recover. With much hardship and the occasional check Kagero rejoined the fleet and both destroyers started pulling along hakuryuu who was still out cold at an impressive 6 knots. It would be another day before hakuryuu was awake by that time they had change course and in rabaul. All of them going through some basic repairs like patching up the hulls and bomb damage or pumping out compartments and getting machinery at least working.

As hakuryuu woke up from the medical bed she groaned her back hurt from sleeping uncomfortably on the floor beforehand her vision was only half due to her lost eye and she felt pain all over her body still recovering from the pain. "urgh I feel awful" grabbing the water besides her she drank it all before sitting up slowly as to not cause too much stress on her body. Taking a good look around she would notice a sleeping yukikaze besides her. Slowly reaching her hand out she would stroke her head a odd sensation coming over her "... What is this feeling? Why do I feel so drawn to protect you and the others.. Am I seeing you all in a different light" getting stuck in her thoughts she would zone out not noticing the destroyer shift and slowlu wake up, only when she spoke did it snap hakuryuu out of her day dreaming. "H-huh? Oh sorry yuki I must of lost myself to my thoughts" for yukikaze the short name yuki initially confused her making the destroyer tilt her head in confusion. Yukikaze: "Yuki? Is that a short abriveation or nickname?" realising what she had said in her haze she decided to wing it.

"yeah do you like it as a nickname? If not I can go back to calling you your normal name" seeing her vibrating? Hakuryuu moved a bit back "uhh yukikaze?" bursting with energy she'd end up getting pounced on practically tackle hugged making her fall "whoa! Oofff" hitting the pillow she had her full attention on them. Yukikaze: "I the great yukikaze agree with the name! You must be honoured to have the privilege to call me such" to say she wasn't relieved would be another understatement as she patted her head "yeah sure little tiger you uh mind not applying too much pressure ribs still hurt a bit" jostling up a bit yukikaze got off her bowing repeatedly. Yukikaze: "sorry! Sorry!" forcing a smile she would reassure them. "no need to worry just try not do it again sound good?" seeing them nod garnered a smile from the fleet carrier before slowly sitting up and getting out of bed.

Unfortunately for her she would struggle to move having yukikaze aid her in walking until she got used to it" so having spent the latter part of 2 days out cold on the floor and bed apparently does a number on your legs good to know" she'd think to herself. Eventually after a few minutes pacing and moving her feet finally got blood pumping through her numb legs allowing her to gradually feel them again and relieved she wasn't stuck unable to move besides in a wheelchair until akashi could heal her. Exploring with yukikaze sticking close monitoring her while showing her about they'd stumble across Hiei. Waving to the battleship to gain her attention hakuryuu would sit at a bench "thank yuki can you give me and hiei a moment?" clicking her tongue a bit in response the destroyer turned to her. Yukikaze: "alright I'll let everyone else know" saying what she needed to say she rushed off with that usual high energy and confident step in their stride. Approaching hiei would sit besides her on the bench. Hiei: "so how are you holding up hakuryuu I heard what happened from Ryujo of the battle sorry what happened did just glad your awake now the others were quite frightened" nodding slowly the carrier looked to the sky "thanks hiei I take it air strikes was the blame for what happened to yourself?" sipping from her water bottle the battleship would nod.

Hiei: "I owe you big time for saving my ass. When we get back I'll ask nagato if I could join your fleet as heavy support it your fine with that" without even needing to think she put her hand out towards her this was big and having hiei part of her force will surely offer a lot more protection in case any surface forces caught them. Grinning hiei would grab her hand and shake it. "if lady nagato allows it I'd more then happily accept you into my fleet hiei you'll surely turn the tide in our favor if we're caught out in a surface engagement" a confident look crossed the battleships face happy to hear those words. Hiei: "you can rely on me hakuryuu"

(alright everyone that's it for today everyone I'm planning to add 2 more ships to hakuryuu's fleet just no battleship or carriers as of right now leave your suggestions in the comments and I'll see you lot soon)

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