A New Goal And Discovery

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Having received her new orders from lady nagato; she switched the radio off before exiting the bridge to the end of the catwalk. Resting her arms on the railing she sighed heavily with a sense of longing. Is there an enemy out there able to give me a worthy fight. An opponent just as strong as I am willing to fight fairly? Thinking hard of anyone she could fight led to nothing until...THAT'S IT! Springing out of her hunched over posture to a now rigid straight position, a small smile presented itself on her lips. Enterprise, the grey ghost. She will be a worthy opponent to fight. Even if I do win or loose, all that matters is she or I doesn't die so we may fight again. Laughing to herself, it gradually became more phycotic with every passing moment. Unbeknownst to her. Yukikaze and ryujo was listening to what she was saying having hid behind the corner to not be spotted. Craning her neck to meet yukikaze ryujo whispered in her ear.

Ryujo: is it just me or does hakuryuu sound like akagi? In response to her question the destroyer nodded. Yukikaze: yeah she does. Maybe we should ask tomorrow? As if answering for them. Hakuryuu's laugh became more creepy which immideatly made both of her hidden companions to beat a hasty retreat to the lower levels.

At azur lane HQ~

The clock chimed 9 in the office, off to the right was a coffee table, a couch, armchairs alongside a couple other chairs brought in so that everyone would have a seat. Gathered in the room was Prince of Wales, illustrious, Queen Elizabeth, warspite, enterprise, Cleveland and hornet. At the moment QE and warspite had some bandages on due to the attack hakuryuu had committed against then a few days prior. As of now, a tense atmosphere was present across the room that if someone were to strike a match, it would likely explode. Frustrated by the fact that she couldn't figure this out enterprise gripped the teacup tightly to the point it cracked a bit. Enterprise: I can't make any sense of this! The sudden outburst gained everyone's immidate attention in the form of their head moving to face her direction however, this didn't faze the fleet carrier who continued her rant. Enterprise: first ironblood and sakura empire break off and attacked, then we find out they're working with the sirens.

To make things worse is that we're unable to do nothing but patrol until tomorrow while our allies get attacked. Setting her cup down she huffed in anger before sitting back into the pillows of the couch. Sipping quietly from her cup warspite set hers down as well. Warspite: let's not also forget Belfast being sunk. The words brought a sting of mental pain to all but most prodomently in the Royal navy ships. Illustrious: the good news is that she's back but will be unconscious for a few days until she's stable. Although we need to discuss something important as we're on this matter. Dragon empery sent a report now I know we've heard it already but there is two issues I've found. Intrigued by what she was going to say QE couldn't help but ask prematurely. QE: oh? What exactly did you find illustrious? Picking up the report before she began speaking, she circled 2 parts. Illustrious: this first part mentions a fleet carrier present during the attack with ryujo, one of the tone sisters and 2 destroyers. Tilting her head in confusion hornet shrugged her shoulders.

Hornet: so why is this important it was probably just akagi or one of the others. Her response was approved with a few nods. The only ones who didn't was enterprise and Prince of Wales. Determined to bring her point across to everyone doubting this crucial piece of information, she continued her analysis. Illustrious: no that can't be the case for 2 reasons. All of sakura empire keep their fleet carriers in pairs. Akagi and kaga, soyu and hiryu, shokaku and zuhikaku. Along with the fact ryujo was paired with this fleet carrier and dragon emperys report of bring the biggest carrier they've ever seen it must be a new kansen. With the last of her words out, QE choked mid sip on the news before dropping her cup and spitting the contents of the tea out of her mouth away from everyone allowing her to cough easily. Alarmed by this warspite hit the back of her sister to help her all be it a bit hard. Once she had stopped coughing QE returned to a sitting position slowly drinking some water to help ease her throat.

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