Success To Questions

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As the last planes of both carriers strike force landed safely on their home carriers decks. A uneasy feeling was felt amongst the fleet. Ahead at the front of her carrier flight deck hakuryuu rested on her sword hilt looking out to see as the fleet made it's long trip back home. Rage burned deep within her eyes like no other masked only by her direction. Faceing away so that none of her friends could see the flames in her gaze. However, unfortunately she didn't take her aura into account which by any means was spilling out of her like a cancer. One glance at the fleet carrier was all it took by ryujo to feel an abundance of tension and anger boiling away inside of her head caused by her aura alone. Deciding it was best to leave her be and not question anything. She made her way to infirmary where yukikaze, kagero and tone was. Catching notice of the light carriers presence tone also didn't fail to notice the nervousness in her posture. Tone: (that's unusual of her, something must of spooked her bad) hey ryujo are you alright? You look anxious. Is everything alright? Jumping slightly at the cruisers words ryujo was quick to give her answer. In the form of a head shake.

Pulling a chair out for her, she ushered the light carrier to sit. Tone: please sit so you can tell us what's wrong. Taking a seat she fiddled with her hands. At this point the destroyer sisters had turned to face her as well. Yukikaze: what's the matter ryujo we won the battle. But was there any doubt with the great yukikaze here. The joyful energy from her made ryujo giggle a little having helped ease her mind a bit from the refreshing change of attitude. Ryujo: well uh.. You see. Tapping her fingers together gently, she tried to get thr words out having a hard time. This was until she felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder from kagero. Tone: what about hakuryuu did something happen between you two? Having helped calm her down she nodded slightly. Ryujo: well uh you we didn't actually speak or touch each other.. But I looked at her and the second I did I felt a lot of negativety in her which startled me. She's so scary! Grabbing a pillow she pushed it into her face hugging it tightly as she does so.

Trembling ever so slightly she let out a loud. Ryujo: EEEP! When 2 arms wrapped gently around her. Looking up to see who it was she could swear her soul would have escaped her body. Right behind her and hugging her currently was none other than the fleet carrier herself but this time the dark aura she had wasn't present to her relief. Ryujo: h-hi hakuryuu. Lower her gaze to her with a smile she ruffled her hair. I figured you lot would be here now I can finally get to meet you all properly. Seeing the light carrier squirm and make playful disapproval noises caused much delight to her. Aw your so adorable I could just eat you up. Lifting her off the ground she hugged her in a strong but comfortable embrace. Without realising it she has just made a fatal mistake now she was trapped. Ryujo: (oh no please tell me she's not got atago's personality?!) uh hakuryuu can you put me down. A sly smirk encroached on her face as she slowly shook her head. Ryujo: (SHE IS!) gulping she found herself slowly returning the hug having to rest her head on her chest due to how high she was holding her.

Hold on a minute while I get comfortable then we can get to know each other properly. Making her way to the next bed closest to tone's before sitting down, she slowly got into a comfy position while securely holding onto ryujo so she didn't fall. Alright then I'm ready so who wants to go first in this game of questions to get to know each other. Feeling a shift she looked down noticing that ryujo had fallen asleep. Aw! So precious the poor thing was so tired she fell asleep. Snuggling the light carrier she made sure that she had a comfortable position. Alright now that's out of the way who would like to start us off? Kagero? Shooting up from her slouched position she beamed brightly. Kagero: yeah! Thank you so much! Quickly covering the sleeping carriers ears she gave the destroyer a stern look. Upon seeing the gaze hakuryuu was giving her, she quickly shrunk down to a sitting position. Kagero: sorry. Sighing quietly she gestured her to start with a hand movement.

Nodding at this, kagero pondered on a question to ask. Kagero: (hm what to ask and who oh I probably shouldn't ask about the menace aura I will let tone do that as she's braver. Oh I know!) alright hakuryuu my question to you is why do you have such a large katana? Oh that's an easy one. I have a lot of strength and a normal katana couldn't handle my strength and speed so I was given a heavier one to slow my attacks a bit making it safer for my tutors to train me and to withstand my strength. Deciding now was a good idea to question what ryujo said earlier for a later date tone thought of a different question. Tone: how come you attacked the siren ships? Aren't the sirens and us supposed to be allies. I know better judgement not to trust them but any of us haven't attacked one yet. As if on a switch the room suddenly turned cold as the gentle smile on her lips faded. Sighing in frustration she shook the frown off. If I'm honest I'm not too sure really whenever I just see or hear the word siren I snap and it puts my in a state of anger for a while. Maybe the memories given to me also meant I was given all the anger from everyone alongside the memories.

Tapping her chin slightly, the heavy cruiser dove deep into her mind to remember who hated sirens the most in sakura empire. Eventually she remembered the 4 that hated sirens most. Tone: you might of gotten it from kaga, nagato, zuhikaku and musashi. They all had similar reactions that you did when they fought the sirens. Soaking up the information given to her, she regained her smile and nodded. Thank you tone you really helped me answer a question that was bugging me earlier. Although I'd like to make a request to everyone present here. Peaking the interest of both the destroyers who were currently falling asleep, suddenly found renewed energy and raised their heads to listen. Kagero: what request haku? Cocking her head to the side she ended up blinking a free times. Haku?  Smiling brightly at the carrier she sat up.

Kagero: yeah! Saying your name is quite long so I gave you the nickname haku so it's less of a mouthful. Don't you like it? Patting the destroyers head gently she shook her head. No it's fine kagero you can call me that I was just surprised was all. Gaining a small fist bump in the air from her made hakuryuu giggle a bit at her childish personality. Anyway onto the request. I'd like to ask that none of you sink the enemy unless they're sirens. Shocked by this all 3 besides ryujo who was still sleeping looked at her with confused faces. Tone: not to sound disrespectful hakuryuu but why? Your making it out like we're going to go rouge and abandon our cause. Shaking her head slightly, hakuryuu raised her head so that her eyes were locked with tone. That's not what I'm implying. Think about it. If my memories given to me were of the past where we fought with azur lane against the sirens. Why would they be helping us now? All 3 went stoic. Yukikaze: (I mean she is right. It makes it weird now why would they help us? When they're not even from our world)

Similarly to yukikaze. Kagero and tone was also having a similar chain of thought making them question everything now. Noticing the shift of their facial expression. Internally she breathed a huge sigh of relief while on the outside she kept a calm face. I take it you 3 also know where I'm coming from. It makes no sense. Worried on what to do now kagero piped up once again. Kagero: if we can't trust the sirens even more now what do we do? Defect? taking a minute to think she started to formulate a plan. No. For now we stick with our empire and try figure out what's going on. If we're found out and are going to be arrested then we escape and surrender to azur lane. In the meantime don't sink any enemy ships just incapacitate them. That's the best we can do for now understand? Without needing to think all 3 agreed. Yukikaze: HAI! Understood! Her smile was cut short when she heard a quiet yawn and something fidget in her lap. Looking down she was surprised when she saw ryujo waking up having completely forgotten that she was holding her. Deciding to play it off she kept her cool. Hello sleepyhead did you sleep well?

Yawning and rubbing her eyes she nodded her head lazily still trying to wake up. Ryujo: what's going on? Setting her down she got up and stretched. I'll let the others fill you in for now though I need to go make a report before it's too late. Taking her leave, she left behind a confused ryujo and worried but equally confused friends. Making her way to the bridge she looked out and enjoyed the view. The ocean is so beautiful but also scary. As if cursed a storm pulled in with typhoons starting to form. Huh... Well shit good thing I'm an armoured carrier otherwise this would of been dangerous. Hope they don't mind down there as it's going to get-WHOA! As the ship pitched she ended up falling and hitting her head. OW! I need to get use to this. Grumbling as she sat up and rubbing the back of her head, she clinged tightly to her chair. Curse my luck at the moment. Getting in she strapped herself in and sighed in relief before turning the radio on. Now onto the annoying bit, trying to find the frequency and hope she's up so I don't die when I arrive. Shaking the thought from her mind she started setting the frequency up ignoring the static which slowly started annoying her.

Having spent the next few minutes tuning the radio she finally managed to get a response. Lady nagato this is hakuryuu how copy? Silence for a few second followed only by static was all the response she got until. Nagato: y-yeeess I hear y-yooo (just the radio not fully tuned properly so try not get any ideas) yes I hear you permission to speak? Tuning the radio more she managed to get the right frequency. Nagato: permission granted hakuryuu how did your mission go. Taking a deep breath she explained things bluntly. Well the attack went well. The first attack wave crippled the enemy but due to them being in their rigging my torpedoes didn't have any targets. They will be our of the picture for a while. Taking a moment of silence she received some praise. Nagato: very good return to base for now.

(hey everyone that does it for this one sorry it took a while just stitggled with the conversation part is all. Hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you later)

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